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What is the ideal aspect ratio of a Gig Thumnail?


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Still confused. What is the best aspect ratio to avoid stretching of the Gig thumbnail? I experimented with different ratios including the fiver recommended one (550:370). When in the seller view, the thumbnail looks perfect (a little crop only) (it looks fine in the Fiverr android app also). But when we turn on the public mode, the thumbnail not only stretched but also cropped. As a result, the buyer will also see the thumbnail as stretched.
It’s so sad to see my work looks misproportioned. If anyone knows the right aspect ratio, please let me know.
I tried all the dimensions which you can see in the image I attached. If anything wrong with my experiment, please inform me.

Fiver Thumb ratios 12083×2083 358 KB

The 1.619:1 aspect ratio was based on the “gig images do’s and don’ts page” (that no longer shows since they’ve updated the help page).

You should be able to see the exact image sizes shown on the search pages/profile/gig page (eg. “view image info” in Firefox). Though that won’t show how it scales the image to the search pages.

You could try half way between the one that looks perfect on the app and what looks best on the web page. Or it might be best to go with what looks best on the web page.

It might be best to contact Fiverr support about it to see what they say as it’s sort of a bug if it isn’t showing it correctly in all places, despite using the recommended image sizes/aspect ratios. You could report it as a bug if it’s not correct.


The 1.619:1 aspect ratio was based on the “gig images do’s and don’ts page” (that no longer shows since they’ve updated the help page).

You should be able to see the exact image sizes shown on the search pages/profile/gig page (eg. “view image info” in Firefox). Though that won’t show how it scales the image to the search pages.

You could try half way between the one that looks perfect on the app and what looks best on the web page. Or it might be best to go with what looks best on the web page.

It might be best to contact Fiverr support about it to see what they say as it’s sort of a bug if it isn’t showing it correctly in all places, despite using the recommended image sizes/aspect ratios. You could report it as a bug if it’s not correct.

Yes, I tried that in Firefox. In the buyer view (within the profile), the image info shows both the image size and scaled size. 330px × 220px (scaled to 255px × 153px). In the home page of Fiverr, it shows 330px × 220px (scaled to 289px × 174px). I used the scaled resolution, but still, it crops and stretches the thumbnail. Can’t understand what is happening inside.

Anyway thanks for your answer 🙂


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