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Is it necessary to reply if a buyer offer me to do a job that i cant

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I usually do replay to every buyer. If you can’t download what he sent you - ask him to provide it in alternate format. If he is asking for help in regards to something you cant do - I usually direct them to search for appropriate category and tell them there are many talented people here who might be able to help with the task that is out of scope of the service I provide. Anyhow, I think it would be good thing to reply and put him into right direction if you can’t help him, but as well don’t hesitate to ask for more informations if you need them to determinate if you can take the job or not or ask for additional clarification from a buyer if you need one.

Hope it helps,

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You should reply as 1) it would be polite and 2) helpful to the buyer eg. even if you can’t do the work they’d at least know so they can more quickly find another seller 3) It will affect your response stats if you don’t reply which could prevent you from being promoted to a higher level or could cause a demotion if you are >=level 1.

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If it’s in some code couldn’t you try to find out why he’s receiving the error even if you aren’t (could his system be different to yours and that’s why?)? Has he given you source code where he’s getting the error and you’ve tried the same source code and run it and you don’t get the error? Couldn’t you add something into it that could help you see what part of it is causing the error (what line of the program) eg. that you could maybe get the buyer to run?

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