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Advice: Lowering Mutual Cancellations and When Buyers Ask For Things Your Gig Does Not Offer


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Reply to @md_hasan: if you have an active gig that shows you will deliver the services within a specific number of days, expecting new clients to contact you about having time to do the work is setting you up for negative outcomes. When I buy gigs, I never ask the sellers if they have time, I assume this or the gig would not be active. Maybe you should extend your delivery timeframe days to proactively prevent this?

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Reply to @iosbusiness: Well I have gotten over 30 gigs in under 20 hours before, and about %3 or 4% of them I personally cancelled because people do not read the description and when you inform politely of what they over looked/didn’t understand or just for the most part DID NOT EVEN READ TO START WITH as I have found, they get all “I want I want”… I use the cancel quick, I got no time for it, and often with people who dont read the descriptions or just ignore it or dont care, or try to get one up on ya, if they know the system well enough, Ive seen them do that as well. Hell, I click it enough to be part of my daily exorcise routine. 😉




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Reply to @landongrace: Most people dont even read the gig’s if you have a refresh catchy video, must less care about contact before order, hell they dont read anything most the time, lol…

Best Regards,

MichellTech (Rob)

Best In The Business!

Come’on, Buy A Gig Already! You Know You Want Too…!

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sometimes seem to have a problem with buyers ordering from me without messaging me first even I have asked them to contact me before pacing orders. This usually results in me having to initiate mutual cancellation due to that either I don’t offer the service that they want or they expect a huge amount of work for $5.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest itsyourthing
drribroshan said: sometimes seem to have a problem with buyers ordering from me without messaging me first even I have asked them to contact me before pacing orders.

The easiest way around this is to start your gig descriptions with **Please message BEFORE ordering.** Most buyers at least read the first sentence. It will probably cost you a few orders overall, but most of those would be from buyers who have poor communication skills anyway.


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Guest evpassino

Do buyers get notified that cancellations adversely impact a seller’s rating? I’m sure most of them wouldn’t care, but I think some do it out of pure ignorance. It’s kind of scary for a new seller who doesn’t have a volume of sales to balance the cancellation.

Personally, I’ve done plenty of things not specifically included in the gig. If my gig wasn’t clear enough, I give the buyer the benefit of the doubt and modify the gig going forward.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I hadn’t considered a melting pot option, but can totally see how that would be great. One buyer asked me why I didn’t have a “tip jar” so I added an extra that just says “Buy me a coffee” and about 50% of them do! Very kind and pretty cool.

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Guest jdadvertising

I usually have a few buyers who never message first, but create an order then place a one day rush on it.

Once it’s something i can do, i will still do it, but ask them in the event we are to work together again, message me first; if i cannot do it, i do my research and use it as a way to learn to do something new so that i can add it to my line up of offers.

Most times it turns out pretty well.

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I love to provide top star feedback to sellers and use Fiverr quite frequently.

However, lately I have become quite tired of the volume of bogus promises - and the volume of people from the third world pretending they are someone else. My bad experiences seem to be concentrated with these sellers.

For example, one seller from India (pretending he was from New Zealand) cost me several hundred pounds in losses. He promised authentic app reviews. What he actually provide is automated parsing of the app description, plus a few fake and poorly spelled comments, that got my Google Play account closed down. I had to redo all product content, repackage the apps and republish everything to a new account - plus pay a new annual fee, all due to this seller. It took a month of work. The seller continues to sell services on Fiverr.

For the first time I have started to ask for refunds. Of all my Fiverr orders only two were authentic, and exactly as described and of fantastic value.

I suggest Fiverr puts an ip location feature to seller’s profiles. This will reduce a waste of time buying from fake sellers.

I will admit that if the volume of fake profiles and bogus services are not managed somehow, people like me will stop using Fiverr.

So, for sellers to assure they get good reviews and return business, please stop posting false information, false locations, false promises, and false services that is not actually provided. That’s my advice.

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Guest itsyourthing
remlond said: For example, one seller from India (pretending he was from New Zealand) cost me several hundred pounds in losses. He promised authentic app reviews. What he actually provide is automated parsing of the app description, plus a few fake and poorly spelled comments, that got my Google Play account closed down.
I appreciate your frustration, but considering you were buying reviews of your product - which is against Play Store rules - you don't have much right to complain. It's difficult to feel much sympathy for someone who is angry because they hired someone to break the rules and that person didn't do a good enough job.


You're also off the mark with your accusation about 'third world people'. While people in more impoverished areas may be inclined to embellish on their abilities to make more sales, citing poor language usage as proof of location is ridiculous. People emigrate all the time, and flawless adoption of a new language isn't automatic.


Again, I understand your frustration and I totally agree that Fiverr is loaded with fakery, and sup-par performance, but there are many reasons for it. It's not fair to vent your dissatisfaction by making assumptions. Its been my personal experience that the best fraudsters are the ones who speak the buyer's native language - they're better able to coerce and present a pretty picture. ;)


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Reply to @itsyourthing:

"It’s difficult to feel much sympathy for someone who is angry because they hired someone to break the rules"

Amazing to hear such a truly rude and clueless comment defending fraud. You must be omniscient to assume to know my experience with bad sellers. You basically brand all sellers on Fiverr as fraudsters - which must include yourself then.

You seem unaware about product reviews. It should disappoint you to learn that I never purchased “fake” reviews. As I already explained I paid for AUTHENTIC reviews. There are many sellers who offer genuine product tests and reviews on Fiverr. You just declared all of them to be frauds. I’m sure they’d be happy to hear your generalization of their services. Major companies use people for reviews all the time. When people say they will offer genuine reviews on Fiverr, that’s what I at least expect.

And a seller claiming to be from New Zealand while sitting in New Delhi and never even seen New Zealand does not make them into ‘immigrants’ the way you describe it. I never mentioned immigrants, but the problems that bogus claims cause too many errors with orders. Many of these sellers copy and paste other seller’s descriptions in flawless English - which they then can’t emulate, misrepresenting their services, which require better language skills. They could offer their services in their local language. I wouldn’t be selling a service in Chinese if I don’t know Chinese.

I really don’t want to give low stars or bad reviews to sellers and avoid it - but I can understand if your buyers would make an exception in your case.

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Guest itsyourthing

Reply to @remlond:

remlond said: Amazing to hear such a truly rude and clueless comment defending fraud. You must be omniscient to assume to know my experience with bad sellers. You basically brand all sellers on Fiverr as fraudsters - which must include yourself then.
It's true that I assumed not every single bad experience you've had with sellers can be factually and accurately attributed to persons located in "third world countries". I did not defend fraud in the least, I stated that people looking to scam a system shouldn't be surprised if they get scammed. I stated that Fiverr is "loaded" with fakery. "Loaded" is not a synonym of "all".

remlond said: There are many sellers who offer genuine product tests and reviews on Fiverr. You just declared all of them to be frauds. I'm sure they'd be happy to hear your generalization of their services.
Yes, there are some who do, as I mentioned in my post. Again, I suggest you consult a dictionary for the definition of "all".

remlond said: And a seller claiming to be from New Zealand while sitting in New Delhi and never even seen New Zealand does not make them into 'immigrants' the way you describe it.
How do you know they are "sitting in New Delhi"? And even if they are, there are all sorts of reasons any person can be in any place at a given time.

remlond said: misrepresenting their services,
Oh, you mean like paying people to write reviews instead of gaining them organically from people who buy or use the services/products you provide of their own volition!

You are presenting yourself as hypocritical and immature. You criticize me for making considered assumptions based on your own comments, and yet you are fully comfortable asserting that you can divine the precise location of every Fiverr seller you have dealt with; and are further willing to assert prejudices based on your impression of those locations. You have also chosen to ignore my actual words in favor of your self-indulgent interpretations. The distortion of facts to satisfy defensiveness is an indication that you are aware of your errors and are over-reacting in an effort to vindicate your actions.

remlond said: I really don't want to give low stars or bad reviews to sellers and avoid it - but I can understand if your buyers would make an exception in your case.
This is a perfect example of how you conduct yourself based on your own conjured ideas of another's behavior instead of the reality of the exchange. In short, your prejudices prevent you from performing in a professional manner.

Thanks for the conversation, its been fun. I wish you all the best on your journey!
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Great tip. Thank you @hotwebideas

Actually I have a problem. After someone ordering a gig and I deliver something, he/she may ask something as a modification which I cannot perform.

So the question is if I ask for cancellation, can he/she complete the order and leave negative feedback for me? I have one buyer who is troubling me.

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Reply to @itsyourthing:

You seem to spend a lot of time on the forum; your troll profile pop up in post after post. You edited your rude and truly ignorant response proving that you got caught trolling.

Why do you analyze the seller I mentioned when you don’t even know who it is and have no clue what we discussed? It has nothing to do with you. After communications he admitted he lied about almost everything in his sales offer. This kind of sellers demean the well intended work of other sellers who try their best to offer their skills and services truthfully. And I honestly don’t want to give a single seller a bad review over $5. That’s a bit too petty, in my view. On the other hand I am not a bank to be scammed by sellers lying about their services and locations.

I suggest you focus on the sales you offers rather than tagging and trolling people on the forum. I have no interest to engage in any low brow discussions with internet trolls.

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Some buyer on fiverr are so dump that they won’t even read gig descriptions and blindly place order without even contacting. And sellers have to pay form their dumpiness. Hard earned ratings and reputations are lost by couple of dump buyers. Fiverr is one sided.

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