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How I can get orders regularly?


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Hello everyone,

I need some help I’m using fiverr form october 2019. On Starting I gets orders but form last 2 months I’m not getting orders daily and my every gigs come on last page.
I’m animator I animate every type of custom logos and gif.
I already promting gif on social media like facebook and instagram but still no any result.
Also no any massages form buyer request.

Here is my profile link…

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Have you edited the gigs recently? Edits need to be previewed by Fiverr, so it reduces visibility temporarily. Edits should be made as little as possible (though as much as needed). It looks like you are sill getting orders though, so I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ll admit, if you managed to get high traffic at the start, that might have not been a good measuring stick to set your future estimates with. Expecting daily orders seems unrealistic. 

About the only thing I can suggest is that your gig descriptions should clearly differentiate what perks are part of which package. If a buyer is confused and there are other options, they’ll likely go to those other options, rather than take the time to puzzle out what you’re offering. (The first sentence in every gig should echo its title, to reaffirm what you’re offering to do.) 

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Have you edited the gigs recently? Edits need to be previewed by Fiverr, so it reduces visibility temporarily. Edits should be made as little as possible (though as much as needed). It looks like you are sill getting orders though, so I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ll admit, if you managed to get high traffic at the start, that might have not been a good measuring stick to set your future estimates with. Expecting daily orders seems unrealistic.

About the only thing I can suggest is that your gig descriptions should clearly differentiate what perks are part of which package. If a buyer is confused and there are other options, they’ll likely go to those other options, rather than take the time to puzzle out what you’re offering. (The first sentence in every gig should echo its title, to reaffirm what you’re offering to do.)

Yes I edited only one gig on last week.

I already gets orders daily on NOV 2019 and DEC 2019 that’s I’m asking about daily orders

and how i can get traffic on gig by using social media ?

I’m getting order form old buyers no any new buyer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest zainmia

This is happing form the last two months. I’m not getting Impression, click and View after doing everything like sending buyer requests or promoting on social media.

Please help me.

Here is my profile.

Thank you


How to do this like how did you get the result tell me I also want to check my gig stats.

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Guest zainmia

samsung galaxy S3

yeah your phone is very old

please try to use some new phone or updated version phone

hmm ok I’ll try with another phone

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  • 5 months later...

Hello Guys,
These days buyer requests are day by day decreasing.
Before COVID-19 the buyer request are coming around 800+
but these days its getting decreasing day by day the buyer request is around 450.

This is issue on fiverr or due to COVID-19?

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  • 2 years later...

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