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Seller level one to back no seller now


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hi i have issu i have seller level one last few months now some order daily
On-time Delivery for and client give me bad feedback to now no seller level set i have almost near in level 2 so when i have reach level two goals so level 2 show in my profile …?

Guest lloydsolutions

hi i have issu i have seller level one last few months now some order daily

On-time Delivery for and client give me bad feedback to now no seller level set i have almost near in level 2 so when i have reach level two goals so level 2 show in my profile …?

i have almost near in level 2 so when i have reach level two goals so level 2 show in my profile …?

You can only move up one level at a time.


i have almost near in level 2 so when i have reach level two goals so level 2 show in my profile …?

You can only move up one level at a time.

but this yesterday i have in level one seller

for seller one 400$ earning and complete order i have done and near do level 2 earning but this happing so now i will move on seller one again … ?

Guest lloydsolutions

but this yesterday i have in level one seller

for seller one 400$ earning and complete order i have done and near do level 2 earning but this happing so now i will move on seller one again … ?

Your profile shows no level so when you get to level 1 you need to wait until the evaluation date after that to see if you have qualified for the next level.


Your profile shows no level so when you get to level 1 you need to wait until the evaluation date after that to see if you have qualified for the next level.

thanks for guidness 🙂


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