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Gigs ranking dropping


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You can “rank” better in the search engines by being a great seller, who delivers your work on time, and earns positive reviews. The search engine is performance based, so to be a better seller and “rank better”, you are going to have to improve your gig performance.

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You can “rank” better in the search engines by being a great seller, who delivers your work on time, and earns positive reviews. The search engine is performance based, so to be a better seller and “rank better”, you are going to have to improve your gig performance.

Screenshot_8.png.c2eab6a876a1f87c99481154d03288bf.png see this please.

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I see it. What is the point of you showing that to me?

1 - 2 of my gig was ranking on 1st page but I noticed since last 20 days I have lost all of my gigs rank.

So can you please share your experience about this, why my gig rank down from 1st page to last page.

Actually, Before few days I got good orders but due to some health problem, I cancel 3 orders. Also, I have mentioned “out of office” 3 - 4 times due to the health problem.

So is this the reason behind my gigs rank down or any other reason is there?

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Guest hanshuber16

1 - 2 of my gig was ranking on 1st page but I noticed since last 20 days I have lost all of my gigs rank.

So can you please share your experience about this, why my gig rank down from 1st page to last page.

Actually, Before few days I got good orders but due to some health problem, I cancel 3 orders. Also, I have mentioned “out of office” 3 - 4 times due to the health problem.

So is this the reason behind my gigs rank down or any other reason is there?

is this the reason behind my gigs rank down


The gigs of sellers in your own niche who have 100% response rate, 100% on-time delivery, 100% order completion rate, and an all-time rating of 5.0 will be ranked higher than yours. That’s probably the reason why your gig ranking has dropped.

Your statistics can be better. 🙂

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1 - 2 of my gig was ranking on 1st page but I noticed since last 20 days I have lost all of my gigs rank.

So can you please share your experience about this, why my gig rank down from 1st page to last page.

Actually, Before few days I got good orders but due to some health problem, I cancel 3 orders. Also, I have mentioned “out of office” 3 - 4 times due to the health problem.

So is this the reason behind my gigs rank down or any other reason is there?

So can you please share your experience about this

No, I cannot.

why my gig rank down from 1st page to last page.

Your gigs likely fell off the 1st page of the search results because of your gig performance. You appear to have cancelled a large percentage of your orders lately. Fiverr doesn’t want cancellations, and the system likely doesn’t promote sellers at the top who cancel a large percentage of orders.

Before few days I got good orders but due to some health problem, I cancel 3 orders

There you go, You have a low gig performance, and your gig likely fell a few pages in the search as a result. Problem solved.

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1 - 2 of my gig was ranking on 1st page but I noticed since last 20 days I have lost all of my gigs rank.

So can you please share your experience about this, why my gig rank down from 1st page to last page.

Actually, Before few days I got good orders but due to some health problem, I cancel 3 orders. Also, I have mentioned “out of office” 3 - 4 times due to the health problem.

So is this the reason behind my gigs rank down or any other reason is there?

Also, I have mentioned “out of office” 3 - 4 times due to the health problem.

Fiverr removes gigs with out of the office status from the search. Therefore your “rank” is dropping.

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1 - 2 of my gig was ranking on 1st page but I noticed since last 20 days I have lost all of my gigs rank.

So can you please share your experience about this, why my gig rank down from 1st page to last page.

Actually, Before few days I got good orders but due to some health problem, I cancel 3 orders. Also, I have mentioned “out of office” 3 - 4 times due to the health problem.

So is this the reason behind my gigs rank down or any other reason is there?

From my experience, a seller ranking would surely drop when you have any cancellation and also when you aren’t delivering order.

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