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My account showing offline

Guest mdsheikh969

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Guest mdsheikh969

I am active in my account and also settings are ok but my account is still in offline. what I do?

Guest lloydsolutions

If you have checked everything and refreshed your browser it will probably be due to the recurrent problem that affects everyone from time to time.


If you have checked everything and refreshed your browser it will probably be due to the recurrent problem that affects everyone from time to time.

If you have checked everything and refreshed your browser

If after all this I’m still showing offline I just log out and log back in.


If you have checked everything and refreshed your browser

If after all this I’m still showing offline I just log out and log back in.

If after all this I’m still showing offline I just log out and log back in.

I did that and came back to life for a few seconds then… back to the catacombs :roll_eyes:

It happens evey once in a while, not much to do but to wait.

Guest mdsheikh969

If you have checked everything and refreshed your browser

If after all this I’m still showing offline I just log out and log back in.

I was trying it but not worked.😓

Guest mdsheikh969

Fiverr must be playing again with its toys… :roll_eyes:

I also show up as being offline :frowning_face:

Guest mdsheikh969

please visit my profile. maybe you can find my problems

Guest mdsheikh969
Fixed for me as well. Open Fiverr app - Mark yourself offline Close Fiverr app reopen Fiverr app - mark yourself online check your profile (public) Should be online now slight_smile

Ok, I will try.🙂

Guest mdsheikh969
Fixed for me as well. Open Fiverr app - Mark yourself offline Close Fiverr app reopen Fiverr app - mark yourself online check your profile (public) Should be online now slight_smile

I did that but it’s worked.😔


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