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What are your most effective marketing methods?

Guest mistrizone

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I would suggest researching a little bit on Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Two of the biggest brands and how they stand out in the same market. Who are they marketing to or what are they using to help push that brand? Everything starts with some sort of inspiration and then you say, “I have an idea…”

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Not sure about if this is the right place to ask, is related to Marketing but more about the Fiverr search algorithm. I joined one month ago, I have a translation gig English-Portuguese, I have a video, and 7 orders completed with 5 star rating.

How can I rank better in search results? I type the keywords “translate portuguese” and I see several gig’s with less reviews, and without video, users with level 0 (like me) ranking better?

The same happens when I choose to see only gigs with video, or high rating.

I am making some facebook marketing as well.

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Guest mistrizone

Constantly changing the description and the keywords until the customer do not notice your product. Also you can start advertise your GIGs in twitter or pinterest and it’s good that you are making facebook marketing as well. Be patient!

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Pinterest is about sharing pictures right? Do you promote your gig cover? I should get a very appealing one for it to work? I am not sure about what to do with twitter, in Facebook I post in Brazilian university pages (I sell translations EN:PT) to reach the students!

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Guest mistrizone

You can post ot twitter too. The only difference is that the post in twitter is called tweet. You can follow people which have the same interest as you and they can follow you. Many people use it and I think is good markething method to advertise your gigs.

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Guest octavianb

Well…here it goes. I’m new around here. 6 days since joining Fiverr. I am already at 70 % for level 1, got 8 orders and a few more to come (only from 2 clients) which I have found on “Buyer Requests”. That’s it. I shared on twitter & facebook but with no effect yet. In my oppinion the best way to find your clients and get the ball rolling are those “buyer requests”.

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Guest lissa_1

Also try looking in Fiverr for advertising. There are many people here that offer such services. Some of them are very effective and have large audiences. Advertising for a 5, how can you go wrong? Hope that helps.

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Guest cuty_sarah

I guess being active on this forum helps a lot.

From my own experience. I created my first discussion yesterday. Where I was just saying about how my first work experience went in fiverr. And since then I have 6 potential buyers. I didn’t spam anywhere or didn’t even forced my link anywhere…

So I think a fair participation on the forum can help a lot. Maybe not enough to make many dollars. But good enough to start bold and bright.

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I have recently ran a PPC (pay per click) campaign on Facebook. It was displaying my gig as an ad in the right hand sidebar. I got quite good traction from it. Just make sure you target the right group of people and it can bring good results.

You can go as low as 1 cent per click with the ads which in my opinion is great value. If you get 1 order per 100 clicks that’s a quite good conversion.

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cancelling of orders really affected me because I had no access to laptops for like 3 months but now am back and better than ever.

I promote my gigs via facebook, twitter and youtube comments (this is really effective but most people do not know how to do it)

You can also mass promote it via facebook groups and try to videofy your gigs (howver, none of my gigs has a video)… giving my own opinion.

Thanks for allowing me.

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