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New to Fiverr? Read this BEFORE you ask "How to get Buyers?" [ARCHIVED]


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Guest wellicraft

Thanks a lot @Voicecoverwork! This is so far the most helpful writeup I’m coming across. Just joined fiverr, applying your advice and the contributions here is definitely going to help.

Truth is, most times we know these simple rule but find it difficult applying them ourselves. Some people want something like MAGIC.

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Well I started a month ago and with 3 gigs because of this post. and now being level 1 I am on the way to level 2 seller. Already made just over $640 and $120 upcoming as of today and I love it. granted I got 1 gig denied for reasons my fault and no one else.

I agree people should read these first and learn from them. I just added 1 more gigs this last week gig and 1 today pushing forward.

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Hi! So despite making my account a few years ago (made as a buyer and promptly forgot), I’m new to selling on fiverr. This thread was very helpful, thanks! However, I’m having a bit of trouble digging through the forums for tips with my slow internet–it keeps crashing out! Can anyone experienced direct me to some of these helpful older threads that I hear are hidden further down? With the internet issues it would really help to know what links I’m looking for. Thanks a bunch :). I have a lot of experience with writing, but NOT with trying to sell myself/my gigs on fiverr, so I’ll take any advice and feedback I can get.

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hello i am new here…i have one question…maybe for you it sound stupid but for me it isnt ,so here goes… how did you make it for paying your services because i cant find it how does it work they have to pay with pay pal or can be with your bank account I am really new i really dont know nothnig so thx again

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Guest rddhawan

Thanks for this very useful and valuable tips. I am trying to do this from a very long time but after reading your post i will differently use your steps you had mention above.

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Reply to @madmoo:

@madmoo you are fiverr diehard, I enjoy your post and gigs! that post was a classic

Its a simple though

fiverr has shared in it’s last round of seed funding that fiverr uses an algorithm for gig sales…


clicks, and

sales will lead to top featured

also new gigs and gig sharing are ways to increase traffic

the algorithm is also boosted or enhanced inorganically through social media shares.

Although new cream will rise to the top regardless and keeps it fresh, fiverr culture believes in seniority regardless and that is just how that have decided it to be, life with it, make the most of it or move on…

for those feeling the burn of no attention, keep working hard, have patience, exam how you can improve and have a positive attitude as it can be infectious

don’t be the person with the negative attitude as its an infection

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