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What's going inside fiverr


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So, I am very very new guy on fiverr. On fiverr only. For the last few weeks I was getting tons of fiverr ads and articles came up in front about Fiverr. So I thought why don’t I give a try.

Note: I am an UI/UX designer of Apple Inc right now.

So what I got from my research about fiverr is, here clients need cheap work. Not quality or anything near to quality. In fact, some clients will try to get a refund after the order is delivered.

Here you may think there are pro sellers and Top Rated Sellers and they are making nice amount from fiverr. Okay fine, Now consider it they’re offering $5 for a logo and they have 200 orders in queue. Do you really think it is possible to design 200 logos in a day? Just think.

Those orders are actually 60% fake orders placed by themselves to show they are doing great and you should trust them.

And you’ll find nice reviews too.

Get back to Facebook and search Fiverr review share groups and you’ll see how people sharing fake reviews. You’ll see the whole story nicely.

Where if you visit the groups like ********************** and you’ll see how people doing quality works for a quality price.

Now it is totally up to you but I am sure if you’re new here you won’t get a pleasant experience.

Thank you All

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Guest merciavideo

So, I am very very new guy on fiverr. On fiverr only. For the last few weeks I was getting tons of fiverr ads and articles came up in front about Fiverr. So I thought why don’t I give a try.

Note: I am an UI/UX designer of Apple Inc right now.

So what I got from my research about fiverr is, here clients need cheap work. Not quality or anything near to quality. In fact, some clients will try to get a refund after the order is delivered.

Here you may think there are pro sellers and Top Rated Sellers and they are making nice amount from fiverr. Okay fine, Now consider it they’re offering $5 for a logo and they have 200 orders in queue. Do you really think it is possible to design 200 logos in a day? Just think.

Those orders are actually 60% fake orders placed by themselves to show they are doing great and you should trust them.

And you’ll find nice reviews too.

Get back to Facebook and search Fiverr review share groups and you’ll see how people sharing fake reviews. You’ll see the whole story nicely.

Where if you visit the groups like ********************** and you’ll see how people doing quality works for a quality price.

Now it is totally up to you but I am sure if you’re new here you won’t get a pleasant experience.

Thank you All

MOD NOTE: Facbook group Link Removed

Now it is totally up to you but I am sure if you’re new here you won’t get a pleasant experience.

That’s not much of a welcome to new users. 😉

Those orders are actually 60% fake orders placed by themselves to show they are doing great and you should trust them.

I’m sure that if this is happening, then you’ve got proof which you can provide to CS?

Get back to Facebook and search Fiverr review share groups and you’ll see how people sharing fake reviews. You’ll see the whole story nicely.


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Well, it’s hard to accuse me of always defending Fiverr, but things may not be that bad.

Yes, whoever offers a logo for $5 can’t be serious. You get a template you could have done yourself if you browse free template libraries.

Now making fake orders is hard from a few reasons.

  1. 20% goes to Fiverr, so faking an order costs the user 1 dollar.
  2. Fiverr recently introduced a non refundable processing fee, which is bs, but still, it’s $2, so a fake order costs now $3. That is kind of expensive.
  3. Fiverr claims to monitor IP addresses and account behavior, and this would raise flags unless you do it a pro way, which again, costs you money.

While it is true there are problems with the site, including non-quality work from certain geographies, you can get good work on Fiverr done. You just have to pay for it, way more then a Fiver.

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So, I am very very new guy on fiverr. On fiverr only. For the last few weeks I was getting tons of fiverr ads and articles came up in front about Fiverr. So I thought why don’t I give a try.

Note: I am an UI/UX designer of Apple Inc right now.

So what I got from my research about fiverr is, here clients need cheap work. Not quality or anything near to quality. In fact, some clients will try to get a refund after the order is delivered.

Here you may think there are pro sellers and Top Rated Sellers and they are making nice amount from fiverr. Okay fine, Now consider it they’re offering $5 for a logo and they have 200 orders in queue. Do you really think it is possible to design 200 logos in a day? Just think.

Those orders are actually 60% fake orders placed by themselves to show they are doing great and you should trust them.

And you’ll find nice reviews too.

Get back to Facebook and search Fiverr review share groups and you’ll see how people sharing fake reviews. You’ll see the whole story nicely.

Where if you visit the groups like ********************** and you’ll see how people doing quality works for a quality price.

Now it is totally up to you but I am sure if you’re new here you won’t get a pleasant experience.

Thank you All

MOD NOTE: Facbook group Link Removed

Here you may think there are pro sellers and Top Rated Sellers and they are making nice amount from fiverr. Okay fine, Now consider it they’re offering $5 for a logo and they have 200 orders in queue. Do you really think it is possible to design 200 logos in a day? Just think.

Pro Sellers and Top rated sellers neever do cheap work I guaranatee that and they earn not just good amount but huge amount because I myself know many who earn a lot.

Those orders are actually 60% fake orders placed by themselves to show they are doing great and you should trust them.

It’s totally false claim and why you just think there is 1 person behind they have a team, they hire people and have companies where people get paid so if someone has 50 orders in row and have 5 people working for him its not a big task. Those having orders in row like you said 200 orders they never work alone.

Get back to Facebook and search Fiverr review share groups and you’ll see how people sharing fake reviews. You’ll see the whole story nicely.

Such people can never be successful a person can only go forward here if he make good client base who are regular. About my personal experience last 2 months I got almost no new orders but still I reached my target because I had some old regular clients. People doing such things will fail surely in months.

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Well, it’s hard to accuse me of always defending Fiverr, but things may not be that bad.

Yes, whoever offers a logo for $5 can’t be serious. You get a template you could have done yourself if you browse free template libraries.

Now making fake orders is hard from a few reasons.

  1. 20% goes to Fiverr, so faking an order costs the user 1 dollar.
  2. Fiverr recently introduced a non refundable processing fee, which is bs, but still, it’s $2, so a fake order costs now $3. That is kind of expensive.
  3. Fiverr claims to monitor IP addresses and account behavior, and this would raise flags unless you do it a pro way, which again, costs you money.

While it is true there are problems with the site, including non-quality work from certain geographies, you can get good work on Fiverr done. You just have to pay for it, way more then a Fiver.

Now making fake orders is hard from a few reasons.

  1. 20% goes to Fiverr, so faking an order costs the user 1 dollar.
  2. Fiverr recently introduced a non refundable processing fee, which is bs, but still, it’s $2, so a fake order costs now $3. That is kind of expensive.
  3. Fiverr claims to monitor IP addresses and account behavior, and this would raise flags unless you do it a pro way, which again, costs you money.

Yes, it’s hard but it’s being done. And this I say with absolute responsability.

Just last wednesday and by chance, I came to know of a guy purchasing from himself and glamorously leaving himself a shining 5* review.

The names of both accounts are slightly different and he didn’t even bothered changing his profile image in neither one of them.

This guy has guts to do this so openly and he even has 1 order in queue.

So yes, it is happening and Fiverr isn’t policing/monitoring anything.

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Now making fake orders is hard from a few reasons.

  1. 20% goes to Fiverr, so faking an order costs the user 1 dollar.
  2. Fiverr recently introduced a non refundable processing fee, which is bs, but still, it’s $2, so a fake order costs now $3. That is kind of expensive.
  3. Fiverr claims to monitor IP addresses and account behavior, and this would raise flags unless you do it a pro way, which again, costs you money.

Yes, it’s hard but it’s being done. And this I say with absolute responsability.

Just last wednesday and by chance, I came to know of a guy purchasing from himself and glamorously leaving himself a shining 5* review.

The names of both accounts are slightly different and he didn’t even bothered changing his profile image in neither one of them.

This guy has guts to do this so openly and he even has 1 order in queue.

So yes, it is happening and Fiverr isn’t policing/monitoring anything.

Well, they do. Years ago I had a second profile. Eventually Fiverr simply deactivated my second account, telling me I can only have one. So they do monitor. But I never ordered anything from myself, I felt that is expensive apart from being cheating and illegal according to the TOS.

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Well, they do. Years ago I had a second profile. Eventually Fiverr simply deactivated my second account, telling me I can only have one. So they do monitor. But I never ordered anything from myself, I felt that is expensive apart from being cheating and illegal according to the TOS.

But I never ordered anything from myself, I felt that is expensive apart from being cheating and illegal according to the TOS.

These people are so, so, so (fill in the blank) that they don’t mind cheating or doing things againts rules and they don’t see it expensive or a waste of money. For them, cheating equals investment if they think that is what it takes to getting sales.

What is it for him paying $3 when he’s charging $15 as his basic, just joined Fiverr last month and already has 1 order in queue - assuming this is a real order?

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But I never ordered anything from myself, I felt that is expensive apart from being cheating and illegal according to the TOS.

These people are so, so, so (fill in the blank) that they don’t mind cheating or doing things againts rules and they don’t see it expensive or a waste of money. For them, cheating equals investment if they think that is what it takes to getting sales.

What is it for him paying $3 when he’s charging $15 as his basic, just joined Fiverr last month and already has 1 order in queue - assuming this is a real order?

at is it for him paying $3

Well, they do not realize this is not sustainable, let alone not worth the time. I do believe they will not be in business for a very long time.

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at is it for him paying $3

Well, they do not realize this is not sustainable, let alone not worth the time. I do believe they will not be in business for a very long time.

Well, they do not realize this is not sustainable, let alone not worth the time. I do believe they will not be in business for a very long time.

I think as you, the problem is Fiverr’s inertia…

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