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Fund clearance problem


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Guest hanshuber16

I was out of office for a week. Maybe this is the problem?

I was out of office for a week. Maybe this is the problem?

That has nothing to do with it 😸

i have some money that i see that will be available for withdrawn in 10 september that means today but it still isnt available.

⬆️ “Today” is not over yet. So, just give it a little extra time… Wait for one more day. You will, hopefully, have it by tomorrow. Don’t worry. 😊

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  • 1 month later...

Hello fiverrs! I have a question. I have send some of my money to my paypal account. I tried to change from dollars to euros so i can take my money from the bank. But paypal informed me that they changed their policy so i have to add paypal to bank recipient. Does anyone has the same problem? I have no idea what to do


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Hello Fiverr. I have a question. One person i know has some money from fiverr. One day his bank called him and asked him where these money come from and they blocked his transfer. I really dont want to happen this to me. Does fiverr ever send you an overall income paper that you have to claim to your bank? Whas is the deal with these money i make from fiverr?


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As with any earning you may receive, you have to fulfill your Tax Agency regarding the income source. I don’t know how it works in Greece. In Spain, you have to be registered as a freelance or business, and fill the appropiate forms. Then, you go to your bank and prove you are working legally in an online platform, and that income comes from here, and you are paying your taxes. Your bank should accept it. But if they don’t know where the money comes, they may ask you or block international money transfers on your account.

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Hi, You can use payoneer master card to transfer money from fiverr then local bank but The bank have to never ask about this where from the money is coming I think you bank acount may be not your Or you daily doing withdraw, Use ATM not cheque. and maybe reason which mentioned @juanwriter

Hi, You can use payoneer master card to transfer money from fiverr then local bank but The bank have to never ask about this where from the money is coming I think you bank acount may be not your Or you daily doing withdraw, Use ATM not cheque. and maybe reason which mentioned @juanwriter

There are new laws regarding money laundry worlwide. Now banks should ask their customers where the money comes from, or they can block your account. Almost all countries in Europe and others like US are already enforcing those laws. My bank asked me where my income comes from, and I had to sign a document stating that. However, if your earnings here are low, perhaps your bank just don’t even bother.

I don’t know what happens in other countries, but in Europe, they are serious regarding that. You can use Payoneer and avoid bank transfers sure, just be safe and comply with laws, as credit cards are also a form of money transfer, even if you just use an ATM to retrieve the money, there is an international bank transfer that can be traceable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Fiverr community. I have a question. What is better? Transfer money through Paypal (and then my bank account) or via Fiverr Revenue Card? Until now i transfer via Paypal but i am afraid that they will see the money tranfers and will ask me where these money come from and i dont want trouble with banks! Do i have to pay for this Fiverr card?


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  • 1 year later...

Hello to all Fiverr people. My name is Maria and i am from Greece. I would like to know if Fiverr can send you an the end of the year your total income . I dont know about other places, but its really important here in Greece for the taxes. If anyone knows please tell me. Thank you in advance.

Maria S.

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Hi Maria,

to download your earning details go to earning, select the year, click on CREATE CSV on top right corner. It will take few minutes to generate the file and to send into your attached email.

I hope it helps.

Wow that really helps. I appreciate it. And i can give it for my taxes, right?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hello Maria, I’ve noticed this post is quite old. Since I want to start out on Fiver and also happened to be based in Greece, is there anything you could let me know about how taxes work here regarding fiverr?

Normally I’d wait first to be more informed before asking additional questions, but this time I’ll do it anyway: Do taxes still apply if the money is first transferred to PayPal and then only used for online shopping (without withdrawing it here in Greece)?


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