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About odal456

  • Birthday 05/07/1904


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  1. Hello, If you want other users to comment and give suggestions on your gigs, you should create a topic in Improve My Gig category. If you want to promote your gigs, you can do so by creating a topic in My Fiverr Gigs category.
  2. You can share your gigs in My Fiverr Gigs subcategory.
  3. Different CS person. Luckily, you can compress you file to fits in those 2MB, so no biggie! 🙂
  4. Maximum upload size for gig PDF file is 2MB not 50.
  5. I got my response from CS. Maximum upload size for gig PDF is up to 50MB.
  6. Sure, I’ve sent a ticket. Will post their response here. 🙂
  7. Hello, What is the maximum upload size for gig PDF file?
  8. No, it’s not allowed. Posting gig links on random forum threads will get you in trouble with moderators. You can only share your gig link in My Fiverr Gigs
  9. Hi Sanjay, File names of gig images don’t have to be related to gig title. Make sure that gig images are related to gigs you are offering. This is important, not file names.
  10. Yes, we don’t know that. I hope he will face the consequences for his act ( if that happened on purpose).
  11. Ofcourse we have been visited. They keep visiting us since day 1. And ancitent civilisations knew how to communicate with them, no doubt.
  12. Yeah, I read that too few minutes ago. No idea why anyone whould do such thing.
  13. I’m intrigued by ancient history. OK, I’m going to check out some from the library. 😄 I’ll see if I can find some documentaries DVDs, too. Oh and btw, I think that guy is your friend. Let us know if you dig out some interesting files. 😄 As the matter of fact, my friend does look like Giorgio, coincidence? I dont think so. 😄
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