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Drop in Positive Rating


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My Positive rating is constantly dropping on the app.
After i received a poor rating it has dropped from 5 to 4.8, and after few days (no-order received) it fell to 4.7.
(Changed the gigs description and Just delivered an order almost yesterday, 15 days after receiving the bad rating. No rating has been provided by the client yet)
but again It has dropped from 4.7 to 4.6 today, Without any reason.

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Guest offlinehelpers

I’ve just responded to you here:

Hi, My Positive rating is constantly dropping on the app. After i received a poor rating it has dropped from 5 to 4.8, and after few days (no-order received) it fell to 4.7. (Just delivered an order yesterday, 15 days after receiving the bad rating. No rating has been provided by the client yet) but It has dropped from 4.7 to 4.6, Without any reason. However, on laptop MY REVIEWS says 4.9 Any idea?
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