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I got 2 order many time ago after that i didn't any order


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Guest lloydsolutions

“Also got quite a good grip in managing social media accounts as well.”

Don’t think this sentence in your profile description comes across as very professional and may put buyers off. Best just to stick to what you are really good at. Good luck! 🙂

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Guest lloydsolutions

i am not any order’s till now plz help this my link

If you want help you need to make your own post under the category “Improve My Gig”.

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Here are some great gigs that you can use that will promote your gig:


Here are some great gigs that you can use that will promote your gig:


skymaxrecords’s public profile on Fiverr

I am a blogger having expertise in setting up Google adwords, Facebook Ads, Google Webmaster, Google Analytics etc…

Also got quite a good grip in managing social media accounts as well.

What!! So you offer this services and yet you are asking for help on how to get order. You are just so funny

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Here are some great gigs that you can use that will promote your gig:


skymaxrecords’s public profile on Fiverr

I am a blogger having expertise in setting up Google adwords, Facebook Ads, Google Webmaster, Google Analytics etc…

Also got quite a good grip in managing social media accounts as well.

What!! So you offer this services and yet you are asking for help on how to get order. You are just so funny

I wish I could say that this is a rare occurrence. I have been here since April and only frequent the forums on my slow days, and I must have seen 20 “marketing experts” who promise that they can increase your views, and manage social media, and help your business tons, and then they come on the forums and whine about not being able to get orders and what they could do.

They either can’t market worth a booty shake, or they don’t quite get that Fiverr is a business like all the rest of them. Businesses need to be marketed, and if they can’t figure out how to market a Fiverr gig, you should never buy from them. Ever.

But marketers who can’t market are about as common as the writers who can’t write or the logo creators who can’t create logos. It’s way too common to find people who just buy a few thousand business card designs on some website and then sell it as a custom design for money. This is just too frequent.

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