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My fiverr sales Decreasing Continuously!


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Hello there,

I am TOP rated seller and i am on fiverr since 2012. I was making progress day by day since last couple of years. 2 months earlier fiverr editors removed Feature status from my data entry gig and since than my sales decreasing day by day. A am very anxious about my future work.Can i get any help or suggestion? any suggestion or help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Umer Nawaz

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Hi Umer,

I’ve had the same problem, it has been a massive dent in revenue but a bit of a wake up call. I think I got a little comfortable, and began relying on Fiverr as one of my largest income generators. It reminded me that relying on a third party site heavily is never a good idea, and I’ve begun focusing my efforts more on my own website and other ventures, making sure everything is spread more evenly.

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Hi Umer,

I’ve had the same problem, it has been a massive dent in revenue but a bit of a wake up call. I think I got a little comfortable, and began relying on Fiverr as one of my largest income generators. It reminded me that relying on a third party site heavily is never a good idea, and I’ve begun focusing my efforts more on my own website and other ventures, making sure everything is spread more evenly.

hi, fiverr was my very first and large source of income, I got everything in life with fiverr income but now i am worried about my future. I am full time freelancer on fiverr and I dont want to leave or work as part time.

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Ok. I was a TRS.

One day, I found I had bee removed from the search system. Couldn’t even be found under TRS writers. Only way to find me was to search for my gig name.

Messaged customer support every day. They told me to ‘ride the wave’ and there was nothing they could do. I then swore at them, because it was the same response EVERY day and they were not taking into account the fact that I was not in the search system and, therefore, could not take orders.

After that, Ryan (who was head of CS at the time) decided to remove my TRS status for:

  1. Abuse of staff
  2. Plummeting sales

The annoying thing is, I would never have done either of those things if the search system worked correctly.

If your sales fall, then you will lose TRS 😕

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You’ll get the usual answers soon:

  • Don’t depend on one source of income, diversify,
  • Fiverr doesn’t promise anything
  • Market yourself outside of Fiverr
  • It’s your job to promote yourself
  • Improve your gigs
  • Enjoy the break

Those are all fine and true, but when it comes to this, I empathize with you. When you’re used to a system that works in a certain way and you’re bringing in money each month only to have it change and go away rapidly without knowing exactly how, and what to do to change your model, it’s hard. My income has gone down dramatically too and I’m trying to do whatever I can to get back up. Hopefully all of us affected can adapt and learn. Sorry this is happening to you!

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You’ll get the usual answers soon:

  • Don’t depend on one source of income, diversify,
  • Fiverr doesn’t promise anything
  • Market yourself outside of Fiverr
  • It’s your job to promote yourself
  • Improve your gigs
  • Enjoy the break

Those are all fine and true, but when it comes to this, I empathize with you. When you’re used to a system that works in a certain way and you’re bringing in money each month only to have it change and go away rapidly without knowing exactly how, and what to do to change your model, it’s hard. My income has gone down dramatically too and I’m trying to do whatever I can to get back up. Hopefully all of us affected can adapt and learn. Sorry this is happening to you!

Thanks 🙂

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Does anyone have any insight as to why this is happening? I’m trying to understand the big picture. I’m a Level 2 seller and though my sales were never huge, they were always consistent and I have good reviews. Recently I submitted a new gig that unfortunately was flagged before it ever went live. There was something about it that was against the terms of service. It was a very minor thing and an honest mistake. I quickly deleted the gig, but since then I’ve only made one sale to a previous customer.

I feel like I’ve dropped off the face of planet Fiverr. Do you think I’m experiencing this because of my flagged gig or because this is something that’s happening across the board? Does anyone have any advice for me?

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Really, I am going to be very honest. Freelance life is uncertain. For every one person who complains about lack of sales, there is another who is having a bumper harvest. Few months down the line, the roles are reversed. This happens all the time, don’t get stressed.

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Writer has a lot of experience on here so it’s good to hear that things often flip around. As to why this is happening, Fiverr made a post in May saying they’re testing some changes in the search and will keep us updated on that. I don’t think we’ve heard an update yet but testing takes time. You can search the forum as this topic has been discussed a lot.

And I can attest to the role reversal! I was doing very well month after month when seemingly all of a sudden my new clients dropped and I’m relying only on repeat clients. However, someone else I know on here has gone from low 3-figure incomes for months to mid four-figure incomes. In 3 months! I’s love to know the “role” we each play. 🙂

It seems like they are trying to give new/low sellers more of a chance, which I understand. It just feels like the shift has tilted almost completely to them instead of a little balance, but maybe I’m wrong.

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You’ll get the usual answers soon:

  • Don’t depend on one source of income, diversify,
  • Fiverr doesn’t promise anything
  • Market yourself outside of Fiverr
  • It’s your job to promote yourself
  • Improve your gigs
  • Enjoy the break

Those are all fine and true, but when it comes to this, I empathize with you. When you’re used to a system that works in a certain way and you’re bringing in money each month only to have it change and go away rapidly without knowing exactly how, and what to do to change your model, it’s hard. My income has gone down dramatically too and I’m trying to do whatever I can to get back up. Hopefully all of us affected can adapt and learn. Sorry this is happening to you!

Your reply is the best have ever read here on Fiverr as regards decreasing sales.

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This is one of those topics that can vary depending on who you talk to. First lets get the norms out of the way:

  1. Make sure your tags reflect your keywords
  2. Make sure your gig tile and description have appropriate keywords
  3. Be customer friendly
  4. Deliver on time
  5. Have good stats (response rate, completion, deliver on time (don’t be late)
  6. Promote your gig

The above is the standard answer from those who are doing well. I have no disagreement with the above list

The disconnect is there are many who do all of the above but for whatever reason their sales have dropped compared to those who are doing the same thing and sales have increased.

You still have to do the norm, but there is something more to it then the standard list of things to do.

In some cases, there are some that are doing the above even more than others and sales are still sinking. Promotion is a good example. No doubt some promote more, but I know for a fact I promote more than many who are doing well. There are some who are doing well who don’t promote at all outside of fiverr.

So if you are like me who do all of the above, who have over a thousand sales with 5 star rating, great feedback from customers and yet sales dropped, all you can do is keep trying. Keep trying to find that one or two things that needs to be done that isn’t part of the norm.

I wish everyone luck

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Writer has a lot of experience on here so it’s good to hear that things often flip around. As to why this is happening, Fiverr made a post in May saying they’re testing some changes in the search and will keep us updated on that. I don’t think we’ve heard an update yet but testing takes time. You can search the forum as this topic has been discussed a lot.

And I can attest to the role reversal! I was doing very well month after month when seemingly all of a sudden my new clients dropped and I’m relying only on repeat clients. However, someone else I know on here has gone from low 3-figure incomes for months to mid four-figure incomes. In 3 months! I’s love to know the “role” we each play. 🙂

It seems like they are trying to give new/low sellers more of a chance, which I understand. It just feels like the shift has tilted almost completely to them instead of a little balance, but maybe I’m wrong.

it’s good to hear that things often flip around.

It seems @umernawaz has 5 years experience selling on the platform, and doesn’t appear to share the theory that the usual ups and downs are applicable. I’m in agreement with him, Fiverr have definitely made significant alterations which are unlikely to go back to the way they were. I do however, think it’s a chance to promote yourself in other ways.

Fiverr is clearly pushing for promotion at the moment, as every thread mentioning drops in sales refer to CS suggesting we all promote our gigs more on social media. Why not promote your own site on social media? Push for direct sales, use a range of third party sites? There’s no reason you have to leave Fiverr to do that.

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