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Search problem of Gigs


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HI, Everyone
I am Luki as on Fiverr known as level 2 seller @artlucky, i been with Fiverr since 2015 everything been going smooth since few weeks ago when i found out some one has copied my best seller gig since Dec. 2016 and i am not knowing it until now !!
OK i searched for my gig on Fiverr search results and guess what i cant find my own gig, i mean come on Fiverr you guys should do something about it some idiot scammer steals my gig and my own gig disappears?? ah well i am trying to make things right here…
Actually the main reason i open this topic is to know how many other sellers have same problems like mine…


Report the Gig to the CS… and show them (prove them) that you owned the Gig details, pictures or whatever you have. Fiverr CS will automatically remove the Gig and maybe ban the user account. This is the intellectual property case. So Fiverr will take this very seriously. Let us know what Fiverr CS has to say.


Report the Gig to the CS… and show them (prove them) that you owned the Gig details, pictures or whatever you have. Fiverr CS will automatically remove the Gig and maybe ban the user account. This is the intellectual property case. So Fiverr will take this very seriously. Let us know what Fiverr CS has to say.

Already did it. They are amazing people…

I wish they could introduce a system in which no scam seller can copy from others…

Thanks for your help.🙂


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