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Justify your bid offer!


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Hi guys,
I’m a seller on Fiverr, recently I’d a chance to buy some other seller GIG for a Wordpress fix. I messaged 2-3 sellers, checking that their basis GIG is 5$ for one wordpress fix. I told them to fix this issue, and that was not a big issue for a person who has already fixed such issue. Anyways the response I got was weird. They replied it’s 35$ 40$ 20$ for the fix. I was astonished that there GIG offers 5$ basic, 10 standard and 15$ premium then why they are asking 35,40,20? 😄

Similarly for visitor buyer, he will think the same, why 35,30,20 when it’s 5$ mentioned. 😤

So my suggestion is, please offer what you mention; otherwise if you think that the task is not of 5$ then please write it like:

The price is 30$ because it’s not a easy fix, I’ve to configure this this, then this, then I’ve to modify these, it will take my 3 hours approx so I’m asking for my time. Otherwise if that task was 1 hour I could have charged 5$ for that. 😎

In this way the buyer will know that you are justifying his money and you will deliver work for sure.

See no buyer will buy your GIG for 2 reasons:

  • He is unsure, that you will solve his issue.
    - you are asking 5X of the basic GIG.

----- So you have to convince him that your price is valid w.r.t your work!

P.S. I know that Fiverr is popular for 5$ thing, and if your basic GIG is 100$ then obviously seller will unlikely approach you, so keep your basic to 5$ for sure, but later justify your price in message.

I’ll love to hear you guys feedback on my suggestion 🙂

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Hi Sarah,

For once in a long while, someone has posted a very meaningful tip on “Tips for Sellers”.

Bravo! 👏



Would recommend editing your title a bit tho, in the terms of “Justify your bid offer…”

Firstly I know you are a regular forum follower, so I believe your words, 🙂

Title edit on demand, I felt it’s more appropriate. Thanks

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