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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Have you tried to change the prices and tested it?
  2. Congratulations! Finally, you did it! So happy for you. 😀🎊
  3. Read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010975257-All-about-order-completion
  4. Why do you want to stay online for a long time i.e. 24/7? Any reason? Staying online won't bring you orders..
  5. Kindly read the message again in the red bar. It states that contact customer support here. Means click on "here" word and you will be able to contact them.
  6. Kindly elaborate this point. I want to know that how is it related with Clicks and Impressions?
  7. Hi too What have you done so far in those 5 months? Made any changes in gigs? Don't you know that Logo Design is a highly competitive niche on Fiverr? Since you have chosen this niche, then you need to work on gig optimization i.e. improve your gig images (they are not good enough to grab buyer's attention), work on gig descriptions as well. Question for you: Why have you explained all the packages in Gig Descriptions when there is already a separate section for it? Any reason? Remove them.
  8. Fever? What's the current temperature of yours right now? 😬 Optimize your gigs i.e. improve gig images and gig descriptions
  9. You need to work on your gig images because they are not attractive for buyers. Portray your portfolio in a creative way. Secondly you have chosen a highly competitive niche i.e. WordPress so you need to work on your gigs to make them more stand out. For this, you can do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche.
  10. Read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/sections/13701504441617-Seller-Plus-benefits-and-features
  11. Read it except Buyer Requests part
  12. By optimizing your gigs i.e. improve gig images (add some of your work - portfolio), gig descriptions and tags as well.
  13. You cannot stay active for 24/7. Do you want to become a robot? Also, staying active/online is useless as it does not help you with anything else.
  14. Kindly give it 2-3 days and then check the status on clicks and impressions.
  15. Status on clicks and impressions? You might have received negative private feedback from your buyers that resulted in disabling promoted gig feature, hence your performance metric might have dropped. Keep delivering quality work..
  16. Why stay active on Fiverr? Reason? Staying Active/Online is Useless.
  17. Since you have chosen a highly competitive niche i.e. WordPress, you need to optimize your gigs further i.e. improve your gig images, add your portfolio via gig images, work on gig descriptions, tags etc. Before making any changes, do some research first on Fiverr regarding your niche and observe how other sellers are selling their services. (Avoid copying them, just observe).
  18. Depends on your queries but usually I get response within 1 or 2 hours.
  19. Here you go. Read this thread and ignore Buyer Requests part because it's gone forever.
  20. I think that you have not read the question carefully. His account is under-review then how can he create a new gig? 🤦‍♀️ You must have received an email from Fiverr about it. What does it say except that your account is under-review? Less chances that you will get it back but try your luck by contacting Fiverr Support.
  21. Kindly read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717
  22. I guess you have not read the comments here. Read the following thread but ignore Buyer Requests part (Honestly, I am repeating the same answer here 🤦‍♀️)
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