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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Review the requirements submitted by buyers After that, check each and everything about order that what is it, what I have to do, any missing requirement or not.. Then, drop a message that Thank you and everything is fine regarding requirements so I'll start working on it today and will deliver it within XXX hours (optional). (I always inform them that they will get their project delivered within XXX hours). If any requirement is missing, then I request for it. Then start working on an order.
  2. I guess you have not read the Terms of Services yet? Without reading it, you have created your account? Simple Answer is: No you cannot share your or ask for personal details as it's a violation of TOS. Kindly read this article again: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service (User Conduct and Protection part) Source: Fiverr
  3. Seriously? Why are you being frustrated when you took the first step to initiate the cancellation of both orders even buyer said to cancel it (1st order).. Why did not you accept the additional $20 instead of $40? However, I still stand corrected that you are the one who is at fault. You have a Seller Plus feature which is enabled then have you tried to use the feature of “Request to Order”. (Not sure that you have a premium plan but I’m just asking). If buyer was not satisfied with your services at first (during 1st order), then you should have blocked the buyer after the 1st order cancelation so that he has no chance to place a new order but unfortunately you did not block him and suffered! He even said that he will place another order but do you think that was a good idea? You should have dealt with that buyer in a professional way. If he said that he is not satisfied with your work then you should have discussed with him in a calm way that what actually he wants (changes) so that you can do it. Secondly, if you were working on the project and were not updating your buyer regarding his project then definitely, he will become frustrated. He wanted to know the status on project within 2 hours but you thought that it was wild to respond him within 2 hours? That’s why he mentioned in the review that communication was not good. If you were hurt because of his review about your work then you should have fixed it rather than explaining everything or pointing out his mistakes. I can understand that project was of $75 at first but he ordered $35 one. He even agreed to add $20 instead of $40 but you declined it. Sometimes, we have to be professional and kind. Should have accepted $20 instead of $40 (may be your ego did not let you to accept it, it happens). There was also a possibility that buyer might become your potential client in the future but you have lost him. Let it go now but you need to work on your communication, analytical and problem-solving skills the most. So what, if I have $1k reviews then do you think that I have not encountered this situation ever? Honestly, I have dealt with these type of buyers but always in a professional way. I always try to communicate with the buyer first then sort out the issue. Yes, sometimes buyers send additional tasks to do in the middle of project but we are the sellers and we have to do them no matter what because they have paid for it (if additional tasks are related to the gig package ordered by them).. If it’s not a part of order, then I ask for additional funds but less than the mentioned price which my buyers happily accepts every time that’s why I have a good number of repeat clients. Don't blame everything on Fiverr and it's new updates and buyers only.
  4. Yes that's the main reason. Try to avoid order cancelation. Meanwhile, I'll encourage you to improve your gig gallery. Do some research on Fiver regarding your niche.
  5. You can do gig optimization then i.e. improve gig gallery, tags and gig descriptions. Currently, your gig gallery is too distracting, nothing impressive there.
  6. Hi too Any order cancellation in the last few days/months?
  7. Your issue is entirely different. You have received 4.3* review 2 weeks ago and that buyer seems not fully satisfied with your services so he might have left you a negative private review. Therefore, your gig seems to be either pushed back in the search results or temporarily removed from the search results. With those reviews, your BSR and Performance scores have been dropped. It will take some time to get recovered from those reviews probably 3-6 months. Meanwhile try to deliver quality services and also ty to make your buyers happy via your services.
  8. I am sorry that you had to experience it. But I think this is a good thing launched by Fiverr. That way, other buyers will get to know more about the sellers and also will think harder before placing their orders to those sellers. If you look at the review (see the inserted image) then you will understand the frustration of buyer. It's entirely your fault that you had to encountered this. Should have performed better. No? Did you try to resolve the issue in a polite way?
  9. Fiverr will notify you via their email after 90 days that you are allowed to open your account and withdraw your funds. Before 90 days, you cannot do anything. So wait for it.
  10. Hello too Well it's happening due to your poor gig galleries (all gigs) that's why no one is willing to check or click on your gigs to view them. Work on improving your gig gallery. If you are really a Digital Marketing Expert according to your personal description, then I think you should know the reason that why your impression or clicks are not improving. Also, you can use your expertise to get the orders as well.
  11. Yes it can be fixed via contacting Fiverr Support but you cannot ask/request/tell her to contact Fiverr Support for it. She should do it on her own. Else it will be considered review manipulation and that will cause you trouble i.e. account suspension.
  12. Hi too Read the following topic but ignore info on Buyer Requests part as it's no more on Fiverr.
  13. Hi too Have you ever read Terms of Services? Or you have created your account without reading it? If you really want to share your email address then please be ready to get your account suspended. And then your next question will be "Fiverr has disabled my account, how to restore it?" 👀😑 Simple Answer: You cannot share your personal contact details with anyone else on Fiverr. Read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service (User Conduct and Protection) Source: Fiverr
  14. smartdezigns


    Why don't you create gigs on WordPress since you have this skill? With poor gig gallery (of your both gigs), there will be less impressions and clicks for sure. So you need to improve them further so that you can get orders.
  15. Please don't take U-turn now 👀 If that was the case/reason, then you should have answered it. Why bother to ask others?
  16. Read the following topic on Get Briefs as Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr
  17. Have you received an email from Fiverr regarding your issue? Like it is temporarily restricted or permanently? What does it say (Fiverr's email)?
  18. Are not you a "Professional Digital Marketer" as per your profile? Don't you know the answer of your answer? It would be better to answer your own question so that others can have knowledge about it too. 😑 I think you can use your expertise to get orders for yourself. Can't you? 👀
  19. Please stop guiding others as you have zero experience on Fiverr still. With zero reviews, how can you guide others like this? Have you ever implemented your so-called tips for your own gigs?? Focus on yourself first rather than guiding others. 🙏
  20. Probably it's still under-effect of those order cancellations and your BSR is low. Other reason or possibility is that other sellrrs of your same niche are performing better than you as their prices might be way higher than yours. Your gigs are removed from the search results temporarily so it might be back soon. Anyhow, if your clicks and impressions are still dropping then you need to optimize your gigs further i.e. gig gallery, tags, gig descriptions etc.
  21. Hello too Reason of order cancellation? It would be better to discuss with buyer first and sort out the issue (and fix it too). Be polite and kind while discussing with buyer.
  22. Improve your gig galleries (of all gigs) then impressions/clicks will be increased if gig images have an ability to grab buyer's attention.
  23. You have received 5* review then it does not mean that you will get a positive private review too. Impressions and clicks are not improving because of your gig gallery as they are not good enough to attract buyer's attention. That's why no buyer is taking interest in clicking any of your gigs. So you need to improve your gig gallery. You have 4+ years of experience then add some of your previous work in gig galleries (relevant to gig titles).
  24. Status on your clicks and impressions? I can see that you have delivered an order 4 hours ago so it means your account is not marked as spam or anything else has happened.
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