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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Hello too Have you contacted Fiverr Support regarding it? If yes, then they are may be investigating your case so it will take time. It's suspended but temporarily.. Don't worry. Hopefully you will get your account back.. By the way, how was your account hacked? Did you click on suspicious link or downloaded malicious file?
  2. I guess your gig galleries (gig images of all gigs) are not good enough to attract buyer's attention (even they are not attractive to me).. so you need to improve them further. You can do research on your niche on Fiverr to observe how other sellers are offering their services. There are some spelling mistakes in your gig images. Also, some of your images are sort of cut-off.. If you're an experienced programmer, then why have not you shown some of your work via gig images? I am not referring to Portfolio which is absolutely fine.
  3. Sorry to hear about your bad experience. And yes, your Fiverr account got compromised as someone tried to hack your account which is why Fiverr has restricted your account temporarily so do not worry about it. It will be fixed soon. But you must be prepared as they will ask some questions for verification purpose, so answer them accurately. Also, Fiverr Support is not unresponsive. They might have been investigating your case so it will take time to get back to you. Avoid creating multiple tickets on the same issue. Just use the initial ticket for this purpose. I hope you get your account back. Good Luck!
  4. I'm sorry to say: If you have been here on Fiverr for so long then why did you break the rules by requesting your buyer for email address even it's a TOS violation? Your buyer could have waited until he/she opens her/his laptop or PC. Why urgent? Also, only Fiverr Support can help you with your issue. I hope it gets fixed. Good Luck!
  5. Better to contact Fiverr Support regarding this issue. Account-related issues can only be resolved by them. They'll guide you better.
  6. @ana_tomy @milos_siena Kindly check OP's case. Thanks
  7. Looks like someone else is trying to hack your account. Kindly change the credentials (passwords) of everything. Be careful and be safe as well.
  8. Your account got compromised which is why Fiverr has restricted your account temporarily. So stay calm and cool. Wait for the response from Fiverr Support. They are (may be) investigating your account/case so it will take time. Also, they will ask you some questions for verification purpose, your answers should be accurate ones (right). Edit: No need to create new tickets on the same issue. Use the same ticket for this purpose.
  9. Because you are sending emails/tickets continuously so they are not responding anymore. Use the very first ticket on the same issue to contact Fiverr Support and get the clear answer again. (avoid creating new tickets or emails).
  10. Okay. What about Fiverr's email? What is the reason of your account being disabled?
  11. Please clarify that you have two Fiverr accounts?
  12. Well only solution is to get the explanation from Fiverr Support. Contact them again to get the clear answer one more time.
  13. Question for you: Any order cancellation(s) in the last few days/months? And what is the status on your clicks and impressions?
  14. I guess you have not read all the comments from the experienced sellers? Kindly re-read them so that you can get your answers. @michmikaia has clearly explained that multiple accounts are actually a violation of TOS so you cannot create another account for other category. Avoid it.
  15. How many times do you want others to welcome you? No need to create the same thread in every category. See the below thread of yours:
  16. Contact Fiverr Support and let them know about it.
  17. Indeed. Your seller account might not be approved that's why you are unable to create the gigs. Did you ask for a permission from Fiver Support to create another account? You have violated the rules so chances are that this account will get flagged sooner or later.
  18. Better to contact Fiverr Support regarding it. Only they can help you with account-related issues.
  19. Fiverr blocked/disabled the account of that buyer because he/she violated the TOS: asking for contact details is strictly prohibited. Never ever share your contact and payment details to anyone on Fiverr. You should also read TOS to get more info: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service Source: fiverr.com
  20. Well as a new seller/Level 0 seller, you are allowed to create only 4 active gigs. For more gigs, you will have to become a Level 1 Seller (will have a chance to create 10 gigs). You should read the following threads to get more knowledge how to get your first order/buyer:
  21. Keep fighting for your right. I mean keep in touch with Fiverr Support and request for the withdrawal link again if they can.. Hope for the best then!
  22. If you have violated the TOS, then should not you be punished for a while? Anyhow, if your tickets are still open, then use that ticket and discuss with Fiverr Support again. Give them evidences that it was not a fraudulent activity. Fiverr is not stealing anything.. it's you who have violated the rules even it's already mentioned in their TOS. Should have read it properly at first.
  23. Hello too. Read the following threads:
  24. Your funds will be cleared after 14 days once it is marked as completed (automatically) . You will be able to track the payment via "Earnings" page.
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