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About hannakarlstrom

  • Birthday 10/20/1993


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  1. Hello everyone! 😁 I'm reaching out to inquire about your experiences with Fiverr's new rating system and how much it bugs or feels unfair to you. I've been a member of Fiverr for about 3 months now, and things have been going relatively well. I've been receiving orders consistently, progressing from Level 0 to Level 1, and soon to Level 2. I've garnered nothing but positive reviews and feedback from my clients, with a Success Score of 8. However, suddenly and without any apparent reason, my Success Score plummeted to 7. I reached out to Fiverr for clarification but received no satisfactory explanation. Despite continuing to deliver high-quality work with positive impact and feedback, my Success Score dropped again today, this time to 6. I've maintained an 8 all along, yet in just two weeks, I've dropped two levels without any negative impact. Fiverr's customer support seems unable to provide a reasonable explanation. It's evident that priority support for Fiverr Plus members is just another scheme to extract more money from us. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? How does this new system, which Fiverr's customer support can't explain, work? We work tirelessly to satisfy clients and build our portfolios, but Fiverr's system seems to work against us. Their system downgrades us seemingly out of nowhere. As a result, I'm receiving fewer inquiries and less visibility for my gigs. It's frustrating and demoralizing. I'm seriously considering leaving the platform altogether. Please share your experiences. Have you encountered similar challenges? Is Fiverr becoming an unreliable platform for freelancers? I'm deeply confused and frustrated by these developments.
  2. Wow, that's absolutely insane! To have two factors they claim won't affect you, and then suddenly one that apparently does, out of a total of 400 orders, and you're getting that kind of negative impact! That's completely mind-boggling! Fiverr's system is so ridiculously buggy that it's beyond comprehension! They're solely focused on their incoming revenue and don't consider the well-being of the entrepreneurs who actually bring in their money. They don't value the people who sell on Fiverr. It's just appalling... This is not okay, and something needs to change...
  3. Hey everyone! 😁 I wanted to reach out and ask how you handle situations where buyers are actually purchasing services from you on behalf of someone else. What I mean is, a buyer approaches me requesting a design for a new website, but it's not for them personally. They've received an order through their Fiverr profile and likely can't fulfill it themselves, but want to procure the service through me. How do you deal with such clients? Do you say yes or no? Personally, when I develop a system or design a website, I always include my company name on the design to show that it's my work. However, there's a risk that they may remove it and claim ownership of the design, which doesn't sit well with me. Do you think it's okay to do this or not? Personally, I don't feel comfortable with it. When I put effort and passion into something, I want to proudly showcase that it's my company that created it. It also feels a bit off that they might later try to take credit for what I've done or built. Perhaps it's different in some other fields, but when it comes to design, I don't want anyone else taking credit for my work! How do you feel about this? Is it acceptable? There might be those who don't have the time or ability to do it themselves, but then I also don't think they should be selling such a service if they can't handle it! I'd love to hear more opinions on this and if you've encountered it, how you choose to handle it! 🙏
  4. Hey everyone!😁 When it comes to optimizing your gig for the right clientele and being where you want to be, it's something I've put a lot of energy into. Since joining Fiverr, I've really absorbed all the tips and tricks available. I also have a solid background in SEO, having worked for several major Swedish companies before deciding to go solo. I've invested a lot of energy into perfecting my gig for the best possible results, and I feel like my main gig is doing well. I'm managing to appear in the right places and for the keywords I want. However, Fiverr is a huge platform, functional worldwide, and tailoring your gig to attract specific types of clients from certain countries can be tricky. Initially, I was able to attract exactly the clients I wanted from the right countries, but as I start to receive more orders, naturally, I become more visible, which comes with the risk of attracting the wrong audience. Some people want all types of clients, while others prefer a more targeted approach. How do you guys manage to direct your gigs towards the right customers and the right countries? Do you have any good tips to share? How do you work? Do you want all types of clients, and if not, why? While optimizing keywords, titles, and creating geo-targeted and language-specific descriptions are effective tactics, they might also confine your reach to a specific country... How do you navigate this balance and attract the right customers without limiting yourself to one location? Let's share strategies! Continuous growth is key, regardless of how much expertise one possesses. There's always room for improvement and refinement. I firmly believe that personal and professional development is an ongoing journey; nobody is ever truly "finished" or flawless. That's why it's essential to remain open to new ideas and experiences, always striving to evolve and enhance our skills. Looking forward to hearing your insights!
  5. Absolutely, you're correct. I initially set the price at $5 to start accumulating reviews. However, now that things are going smoother and I'm receiving messages every day, I'll definitely remove it. Previously, I didn't see it as an issue since I only had clients from Sweden, and they automatically know the pricing and understand that it's just a form of marketing. However, lately, it's been causing nothing but trouble and attracting the wrong clients who misunderstand! So, you're absolutely right, I'll remove that and adjust it to attract the right clientele again. Thank you for your tips and insights; they mean a lot to me, and I genuinely want to learn the right way, so thank you!
  6. Absolutely agree with you, it's incredibly bizarre! It shouldn't work that way, and I concur that if they don't want us stuck in a 5-star universe, they shouldn't implement features that heavily impact us in that manner. Their new measurement system does seem inherently unfair, and it's frustrating how one negative incident can outweigh numerous positive ones. It should be more individualized, and they should also consider that some customers, even if satisfied, might not prioritize leaving reviews and may not fully grasp its significance for us. I think the platform has grown so much that they unfortunately overlook many things they should be focusing on! I've also noticed some bugs in the system. Just the other day, my success score dropped from 8 to 7 for no apparent reason or occurrence. Unfortunately, situations like these are all too common when there are too many people chasing the lowest price and expecting quality. It ends up affecting folks like us negatively. Nevertheless, I hope things improve for you with your gig, and I hope you find a good solution!🙏
  7. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I learned a lot from reading about your journey, and you're absolutely right that if I allow someone to treat me that way, I'm letting them toy with me and take advantage of me. I'll definitely take the things you shared and try to apply them to my own approach! I resonate with what you said about reviews. I've been afraid of receiving negative reviews myself. I know I always do my best and deliver quality work 100% of the time, so I never doubt my work. But I've noticed that some clients from the outset are only looking for the lowest price and push around. I've tried to explain to some that if they're only looking for the lowest price, I'm not the right fit for them and they won't get quality if they're only willing to pay a few dollars. I've definitely learned a lesson from this, that I should only work with the clients who feel right in every way. In hindsight, you're right that I'd rather receive a 1-star review and maintain my pride than let someone walk all over me! Thank you so much for sharing your story; I'll take it with me and learn from it!
  8. I don't think deleting it will help you; what you should focus on is optimizing it instead. Even if you feel it's not performing well, consider what you can do differently. What isn't working right now? Optimize what needs to be done. When a gig of mine doesn't deliver as expected, I always assess what I can do better, and so far, it's worked. When I improve them, I rank higher and attract more clients! Your canceled orders and other metrics will still show on your order page even if you delete them, so your stats will remain. Focus on optimizing and not get cancell order rather than excessively pushing gigs. I believe optimization is always the solution and how you, as a freelancer, can improve! Do you have a lot of negatives? I noticed your success score is at 4! If your cancellation rate is high, you should focus 100% on what you can do to avoid it. If you accumulate too many cancellations, it's practically impossible to recover, as I've heard from others! It's all tied to your account.
  9. Thank you so much for your response and sharing your experience! Yeah i agree! It's really challenging because I always strive to deliver above and beyond for all my clients, and so far, all my reviews and clients have appreciated that I exceed their expectations.😀 We freelancers rely on positive reviews and recommendations, so when a client like this comes along and just tries to take advantage of everything, it ruins things. I usually can handle difficult situations, but with this client, no matter what I did, it wasn't enough, and despite all the days I worked, he didn't think he should pay anything. But I suppose we learn from our mistakes! Regarding the order rate, I'm not sure how much it's affected by a canceled order or how it works? I haven't had one before, so I'm unsure of its impact on me. Also, I wanted to ask you, I'm very meticulous about specifying a clear agreement and what's included and not before a client places an order, precisely to prevent situations like this. If the client then accepts those terms, and I refuse to back down, what happens then? Thanks for your response, I appreciate it!
  10. Hey everyone, 🫠 I wanted to share my recent experience dealing with a challenging client on Fiverr and get some insights from the community on how you handle similar situations. So, I've been working as a web designer on Fiverr for about two months now, and things have been going pretty well. I've put a lot of effort into crafting appealing gig descriptions and communicating effectively with potential clients. Lately, I've been getting orders almost every day, which is fantastic! I reached level 1 quickly and am soon approaching level 2! However, I recently encountered a client who turned out to be quite difficult to work with. Despite setting clear expectations and outlining the scope of the project in a detailed agreement, they started making unreasonable demands and behaving poorly as soon as we began working together. Despite my best efforts to resolve the situation and accommodate their requests, the client continued to push for additional work outside of our initial agreement. It became clear that they were attempting to take advantage of me and get as much as possible for free. After much frustration and back-and-forth, I decided to cancel the order and offer a partial refund, along with delivering the work completed thus far. However, even this wasn't enough for the client, as they insisted on receiving everything without officially approving the partial refund. Despite explaining Fiverr's policies and procedures multiple times, the client remained stubborn and unreasonable. Eventually, I reached a point where I felt exhausted and decided to cut my losses by refunding everything and letting go of the project. Unfortunately, dealing with such clients can be draining and can negatively impact our order rates. I tried my best to handle the situation professionally and with patience, but sometimes it's just not possible to reach a satisfactory resolution. I'm curious to hear from others who may have faced similar challenges on Fiverr. How do you handle difficult clients? What strategies do you employ to protect yourself and your business while maintaining professionalism? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!
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