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Everything posted by jellybeanhusky

  1. Hmm, I don't understand then why Fiverr giving a grace period of 30 days to get back on track.
  2. Could you clarify why the success scores for these sellers haven't updated to at least 5 after two months of continuous good performance? Based on my experience, it seems that the gigs were in rotation when the new update was released, which might have impacted this issue.
  3. Same situation. Since the new update my success score stuck at 4. And now my promoted gigs are ineligible. But CS won't give you a proper explanation.
  4. Exactly. We are all in the same cycle.
  5. Same issue. Since the new update my success score stuck at 4. I had only 1 cancelation and completed more than 100 orders thanks to promoted gigs. And got good reviews as well. But until now my success score didn't improve once. It's stuck at 4 and now I'm not eligible for promoted gigs anymore. I don't know what to do. They just want us to leave the platform?
  6. It's happened to may sellers including me. I think they will fix it. My success score is not updating at all. I'm receiving about 20-30 orders per months through promoted gigs. Even got so many positive reviews. But nothing works at the moment. It stuck at 0.
  7. No one knows how it works 😅
  8. It's puzzling that my success score dropped to 3 despite receiving numerous 5-star reviews, and it's hard to believe that all these buyers left negative private feedback. Now, my score has returned to 4. It seems like a similar pattern is affecting several of us sellers, our gigs vanished from search results in October 2023, coinciding with a fluctuation in our success scores from 4 to 3, and now back to 4 again.
  9. I'm struggling to see the advantage for them in this situation. We're contributing significant revenue, yet it feels like our efforts are overlooked. I've received numerous positive reviews, and I'm confident that my clients have also provided positive private feedback many have even messaged me to confirm they've done so after their orders were complete. Given their satisfaction with my service, it's unlikely they've left negative feedback. Despite this, my success score remains at 4 and shows no signs of improvement. I'm at a loss for how to elevate my account further, especially considering my gigs were frequently highlighted as Fiverr's Choice over the last two years, up until October. It's baffling why, despite these achievements, there hasn't been a positive change in my account's standing.
  10. I believe it's a bug. Did you talk to CS?
  11. It's hard to believe that hidden reviews could paint such a negative picture, especially since my personal interactions with buyers are overwhelmingly positive. Many of them go out of their way to send thank you messages to my inbox after completing an order. Considering these facts, the numbers simply don't add up. 90% of my reviews praise my exceptional communication skills, even during weekends, and I've earned the highly responsive badge for both of my gigs. It seems unlikely that every buyer would express satisfaction directly to me but leave a negative private review. This situation points towards an issue with Fiverr's system rather than with my service. How can I further improve when I'm already providing the best possible service? What exactly are they expecting from us to be perfect beyond human capabilities?
  12. Why are you using same gig titles for every gig? You only need one gig to offer that service.
  13. Just report as a scam. I think it's happening to pretty much every seller.
  14. Try latest SEO trends related to your offerings. I'm facing a similar issue. My gigs are used to have many orders. Now seems like they are down. I will update if anything.
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