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Everything posted by chris_era

  1. @visualstudios - LOL! No worries, I don't plan on sticking around in a place called Victimhood. Goodluck yall.
  2. No stress dude! You got this! Take the time to watch some videos on Youtube from some of the top dogs on Fiverr, and use the extra time to continuously refine your profile, from the thumbnails to the descriptions. You'll soon realize that the metrics, badges and scores are nothing but ways to gamify your responsibilities here. Games are meant to be played, and with a bit of practice, and a lot of patience, you'll reach new heights - not just on here, but in yourself as a professional as well. Do not compare yourself to others on the platform, and simply enjoy the journey because I promise you - before you know it, you'll be on an island somewhere living your best without a second thought of any of the things that hold other people back from progressing in any way. You got this dude! 🖤 (Aaaaaand I'm gone. Lol, I REALLY don't need to see any other responses to this thread! Haha, I have a beach to get to)
  3. Hey @gbrl_c - It's nice to see a new face here. I just wanted to pop in with a bit of advice really quickly. My suggestion would be to write a message in your thread directly to Fiverr in the future, and then leave the thread. Unfortunitly, as I am sure you've noticed, there are quite a few people loitering here who LIVE for getting into ?debates? like the above. It will ruin your day, trust me. And absolutely NO good will come of it, in turn, it will just sour your impression of the platform and its community even further. The people who are successful on Fiverr, running businesses by themselves or with their teams, or with the help of AI - are far too busy to sit on this forum all day and rage on every thread that pops up. You really don't want to get sucked into a back and forth on here as it will truly damage your impression of Fiverr as a whole and make you feel defeated. I started selling on Fiverr one year ago, and I am one Success Score point away for Top Rated Seller level. Just keep your head down and take the opportunities you receive, then make the most of them and before you know it, you'll have to make Fiverr your full-time gig or expand your team. A job, whatever it is, freelance or employee, literally does not matter in the long run. What is important is self improvement and growth on your own journey as someone who offers a 'service'. ALWAYS focus on having a good time and doing your best, overthinking things that are out of your control will only get you down, however that does not mean do not share your opinion or personal perspective. Just do it in a kind and respectful way, and then walk away. You are valued, and your observations and opinion matter, and help make a change for the better. Going back and forth with the shadows on here does nothing. Trust me. Just have a good look at this forum and the profiles of certain individuals, and you'll quickly realize the difference between those who rise to the top, and those who who sit on forums all day complaining about why they can't see light anymore after digging for 10+ years. This forum is a dark place. Seriously. Drop your suggestions here directly to Fiverr, and avoid the trolls hiding under the bridge. They'll do anything they can to add to your frustrations and leave a terrible impression. Fiverr is what you make of it, yes it has limitations and it is not perfect in any way. Like at all. But once you stop caring, and just enjoy the opportunities you get and the fast-tracked learning that comes alongside all of this, you'll soon realise that the value is not at all in being a Pro Seller with a few badges and c**p on your profile, or having a perfect success score. It's about you, learning and growing, and the connections you make with the clients you service - making some money on the side, all the while. And who knows, if you do things right, and you're lucky, with a dash of talent and optimism - you'll be a free human with a steady flow of income far greater than you could have ever imagined. Heck, you might even be able to help others and expand your team, further adding value and building a community around yourself. Stay with the times. Adopt AI to streamline your processes and help with your business as much as possible (just like how Fiverr is doing), without using it unethically in any way. And avoid this place, most of all. Haha, I'm rooting for you dude! Seriously, you can make a lot of progress in life on here, and hopefully, not end up like certain users on this forum. Luckily they serve as GREAT examples., of exactly, what not to do. 🖤
  4. ORDER CANCELLATIONS - PROTECTING SELLERS ON FIVERR? I'd like to enquire how other sellers feel about buyers being able to leave a review on your profile when an order gets canceled, however, you can not do the same on their profile? Why are buyers allowed to negatively impact our business by leaving a review on our profiles after a canceled order, however, we can't warn other sellers about the negative experience with the buyer in a review on their profile? Is this not supposed to go both ways? How are we protecting sellers from bad apples who constantly request revisions, don't respond, or cause major issues with their orders? The benefit where we can view Buyer Metrics means nothing if we can't review their past dealings with sellers on Fiverr, much like how they can, right on our profile? Isn't this incredibly unfair? Even a non-public review page for buyers only accesible by SPP members would balance this better. Currently it is completely unfair and sellers have to just deal with people who seemingly have all the power to negatively impact your profile even if you as the seller choose to cancel and refund the order. Sure you can reply to their review, however other sellers can't see this - so there is no safeguard for sellers to vet the clients who inquire to buy our services. Meaning we'll likely walk into the same trap again and again. Buyers will be more careful, and a lot more considerate when they have to deal with the consequences of their actions as well...no? It seems like an easy way to taint the community and reduce quality services on the platform by so blatantly favoring buyers over sellers in this regard. I had someone who ordered 6 gigs in the past, all from different sellers, cancelled all of the orders, and left scathing reviews, then posted on their social media that they 'paid' for 6 things and hated them all... uh... no you didn't. You had six people work for free and then left nasty reviews on their profiles, hurting their businesses. Is there a better way to balance things, protect sellers and support the community?
  5. Here's a work around for anyone wanting this now, until it gets officially added - It's a browser extension called Dark Reader. It makes every single website dark mode. Enjoy! I have to use this due to hyper sensitivity with light as I work only in the evenings. I understand this is not advised, however it is not client facing and purely to stop me from having insane migranes. I can't go without this. Dark mode is pretty much a requirement for some, so having this official supported by Fiverr would be awesome, and about time to be honest... This original request post was made EIGHT years ago...
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