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  1. I requested to be removed from this forum, but I am still here. I defended myself when someone ridiculed me in the forum. I politely told them off, as you would with any forum individuals acting like clowns. However, in the request declined by Milo, (the same one who answered my previously mentioned snippet support ticket), I was told that I am too sensitive. Although I remained courteous in the forum, I gave them a piece of my mind. Yet, I am told that I am too sensitive to participate. That's just gaslighting. Sensitive? The email that was not shown in the forum by said clown, well, is the reason he did not show it. Not sensitive, a thinker and a DOER. Now, here's the funny part—Fiverr says they are all about inclusivity and stand AGAINST exclusivity. Yet, exclusive remarks have been made here in the recent past, and no one makes so much as a squeak. You look at the pictures of Fiver sellers and you can see that they are from all regions and many likely are not in English 1st countries. Yet, recently, even though I don't read many posts, twice within the last two weeks I have seen forum members ridicule people for their speech and writing abilities. Helpful things can be said in more discreet ways; only when issued with regard are remarks helpful. I have them blocked now so can't refer to them by name, but imagine or imagination, followed by a number, a short while back, said something implying that those without solid English skills are not too swift. That is not inclusive and is prejudice in plain sight. A short while ago, a Fiverr seller used the term "a knock" to refer to a Fiverr notification, which in that context was ultra-clear. Newsmike came up to the plate as the forum hero, as usual, to knock that seller down for his chosen word usage. Newsmike is horrifically appalling in the way he treats people, yet is highly regarded in this community. I shake my head as I try to imagine why. People come here to chat, get something out of their system, or ask for advice. They don't come here to be insulted, browbeaten, called stupid, made to feel "other," or any such thing. A forum should be helpful, welcoming, and informative. This one is not. Given what Fiverr professes to be in terms of inclusivity, they owe it to members to clean it up. They owe it to me to let me out of it in its current state. That is my point in making this post. It is what I call an example post, as a demand to be let out. There will be no responses given to this post. PS--those who reply will be blocked.
  2. To have Google update the snippet would take more effort than I could currently exert. As for Fiverr CS, two days ago I submitted a ticket. Yesterday, the response I received informed me that I could not update a URL. Their response to the ticket was 100% irrelevant to my explanation. I have taken support tech training and would like a job. Hello Fiverr! Surely a tech support agent knows what a snippet and a text slug are. If not, something is wrong. My impression was that they didn't want to deal with it. Strike one.
  3. I stated that erroneously. I meant to say that the snippet text demonstrates the difference between the original listing's pricing and the new.
  4. I appreciate the offered explanations, however, they don't address the question. The SNIPPET IMAGE has text overlaying it with the original pricing of my services. When starting here I thought I was willing to sell services cheaply to make a name. Then I realized that I did not want to take that route given my depth of experience. Now, the pricing is off-base.
  5. This is something I will have to look into as time permits. My forum name was applied by Fiverr as I began here. I inserted the URL when I saw that other forum members had their seller URLS there. It seemed permitted if not encouraged. I am new to this forum; contextually, and forum-wise, I am green. URL manipulation sounds like a deceptive method someone uses with intent, which was why I asked. There is no need to explain further. I'll look into it. Thank you. @imagination7413--the URL, I just checked it out (it took 30 seconds). The interface says "website URL." That is not a spot for a forum URL. I have done nothing wrong. My Fiverr page is my website. The post mentioned has since been taken down, but the spammer is listed first on the page in a relevant search. Smh.
  6. URL manipulation? I am not getting the drift of this statement.
  7. Opinions, please. I completed work on my first listing. I was prepared to promote. I went to submit a post with a link in it when I noticed the URL snippet did not match my gig. I changed the gig along the way, and now the contrast between how it was and how it is too great. It could take a long time for that snippet to update. For now, it seems that perhaps I should leave that listing to sit dormant--more or less abandon it but keep it for its visitor drawing power, as it has some. I'll need to replace it with similar. I'm not impressed. It's like starting over. I am unsure of how to proceed. Some people have been here far longer than I have, so please tell me anything that will help. For
  8. @imagination7413 Thanks for the heads up. I was shocked to see that the spammer in reference was on the first page of Fiverr--as a brand-new seller, yet. It's maddening when you think of all the people doing their promotions "the right way" and not getting there.
  9. I am perplexed, as I just saw outright self-promotion on this forum. I thought that sort of thing would be instantly removed. Will it be left up, or will it be taken down at some point? Does the offender get a warning? Or what happens?
  10. @rahulkajla1, thanks. I didn't think that would be acceptable behavior. What it all came down to was that I didn't ask for anything other than what was listed. So there shouldn't have been a price hike. I appreciate your explanation. Thank you very much for taking the time to offer it.
  11. I wanted to buy a gig/service. The price on the listing was USD 35. With the exchange and other relevant fees, that's $50, which is all I wanted to spend. That listing offered all I needed to get the job done. I discussed the purchase with the seller; he said he could do it as part of that gig. However, the price changed to $50 when I said I was ready to buy. I said no, I didn't want to pay that, given it didn't match the quoted price. The seller then reverted to quoting the listed price, but I did not buy it as trust had been broken. Does Fiverr have terms prohibiting that kind of behavior--bait-and-switch? When I asked him why he tagged onto the price, as I felt maybe in his mind he had a reason that I wasn't aware of, he gave no response. I am voicing this to see what replies I get.
  12. I have not read the terms in full to know how they apply. With that said, when you figure out what happened, you might consider using proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting for your gig title. Without that, no one is going to click on it.
  13. Thank you for your kindness, Ana. I really appreciate it. Glad to have helped.
  14. I updated my one listing. I have some example material that I want to get in order before posting more gigs. So, on Friday, I was spit-shining it. I had it perfectly in order and made sure of it before hitting submit. Today I decided to go over it again and was horrified to see that Fiverr removed an em-dash from it. Two words ended up smashed together. I had promoted it over the weekend, so that was damaging. Yikes. I now must commit it to memory that Fiverr doesn't support em dashes. I love em-dashes!
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