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Everything posted by designmarjolein

  1. Ooh I didn't know about the tutorials page, I'll definitely send this link to them as well. Thank you!
  2. Hi fellow logo designers, I receive quite some messages from people interested in my logo on Fiverr Logo Maker, but for them wanting different colors. Since this is something that they can easily do themselves, I always tell them "When you click 'buy & download' you can edit the colors (and even the design itself) exactly to your liking". But for some reason this is not clear to them without me telling them. Do you receive these same messages as well? And if so, what do you tell them? I think it would be a good idea for Fiverr Logo Maker to change the button, or add a little subtitle before the ordering process. So people can easily spot that they can make changes to the design themselves. Curious for your thoughts!
  3. Hi @markwilsson, Have you been upgraded to the 1000 logos amount in the meantime? I am at the 60 logos cap as well and have been for a while, and looking to upgrade to the next stage, since I have many logo designs standing ready. Unfortunately no upgrade just yet even though I have many sales..!
  4. It's been a year already? Time flies! Congratulations! I love the option of being able to see the CR and the Competition. It's really insightful. Curious to see what additions will be added in the next year
  5. Hi @khafff Welcome to the Logo Maker Design team! I have been designing here on and off for about 2 years now, whenever I find time next to my work as a self-employed graphic designer. Many useful tips have been given here already, but I would like to add to that: Diversify! Just like in the stock market, right? Fiddle around with different styles, for different niches, and in your logo designs try different compositions. Also think about what kind of companies that would likely order a low-cost logo design from Fiverr Logo Maker. Aside from the insights which are also valuable of course. Who are these companies and what are they looking for? Good luck and let me know if I can help you in answering any questions!
  6. @vanadium1st While I am a bit late to the party to reply to your post, I would still like to do so. That is so creative! How did you manage to create this? With adding circles behind the logo perhaps? It inspired me to do a logo design with different illustrations like this as well, thank you for sharing!
  7. Is there an option to see with which search tag a buyer has found and eventually ordered your logo @Logo Maker Team? I think being able to have this insight - it will really help me into finding the perfect tags and strategy!
  8. Here I am maxing out my tags to 20 on all of my logo designs Although I think all tags are very relevant! Mostly I even need more than 20 tags to cover all relevant industries for the logo design. Does that really make my logo rank lower per industry? What would your advice be @Logo Maker Team?
  9. Whoa that's a huge amount, both the amount of logo's and the income you generate from it. Well done! I aspire the same although my logo amount is still at about 28 now :-D How often do you upload new logo designs now? And a specific niche that you find that sells well?
  10. In the 'Style' part, there are good examples of what is meant by different style options. While for the 'Brand Personality' part, there isn't (yet).
  11. While uploading logo designs, there are various Brand Personality traits to choose from. To me, it is not very clear what is meant by all these different options. For instance, what makes a logo 'accessible' or 'luxurious'? Or 'innovative' or 'established'? Since I would like my logo's to be easily found and match the Brand Personality criteria, I would like to know more about this. Would it be an idea to create a blog or post showing all different styles that match the different traits? Looking forward to learning more about this topic!
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