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  1. wow you already reach 1000 logos, congratulations πŸ™‚ we are still struck on 60 logos limite 😞
  2. congratulations for promoting to the level 3 and 1000 logos spots, did you do any request or did you apply for the level 3 promotion? it will be great helpful if you share us how you get to level 3. i have uploaded around 100 logos but only 60 logos are live and active, if need to activate a new one then i have to pause a logo from the 60 logo already activated. thank you in advance πŸ™‚
  3. its great you can publish more than 400 logos, i'm still at 60 logo limitation, but in my case if we update our existing logo here and there then it there is a chance we get a new sale from that, i think they just re-promote them if we update new categary sometime. with 60 active logos i'm getting 25-30 orders per month average.
  4. Hi, is it ok to send custom offer if a buyer find my logo in fiverr logomaker and message me to get that order? i mean without any updates to the graphic but only changing fonts and versions? so i send a custom offer to get start the order and deliver file from my side? is this allowed? or we need to send back the buyer to logomaker and buy from there? let me know if anyone know about this.
  5. the logo maker is very slow and dull for me these days, i used to get around 30-40 orders per month few months back, but then it is very strange and hardly getting 4-5 orders last couple of months, i uploaded new logos pausing some of my old logos, also re-publish some logos and edited Metadata for some BUT nothing improved. i hope fiver logo maker team will allow me to upload and activate more than 60 logos for me, so we can see some improvment.
  6. Hi, any one decently promoted to next earning tier? i was getting around $500-$300 earning each month until i reach my next tier target, it was just $30 in sales to complete $10000 milestone, but then this happend, all of the suddenly sales got droped and now for 2 months i'm getting only $60 or less earnig per month, so its feel like they dont want to promote me to next earning tier, lol πŸ™‚ so now i'm struck in the border, i mean $9960 or somehting. its not encouraging to upload new logos and spend much time on logo maker anymore, still waiting to pomote to active logo stage to more than 60, i have 100 logos uploaded but only 60 active with more than 300+ orders. please share your experience:)
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  7. thank you for the insight and tips, last month sales were extremly slow compare to previous months, its like 95% drop. even i upload new logos pausing old ones, hope this month will bounce back.
  8. it’s been all good before 2 weeks and i got regular sales every day, I’m nearing my next sales earning share and i just need 1 or 2 orders to achieve the target, then suddenly all my sales dropped and i didn’t got single sales for last 2 weeks, its very strange and doubtful, is anyone faced this problem before? i even uploaded new logos pausing some my old logos, and updated metadata. Nothing worked, please share your thought on this if anyone faced this before. thanks.
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  9. so i think its better Not to send them thanking message after their purchase, saving my fiverr account clean is most important πŸ™‚ thank you for the clarification.
  10. Hi, is it allowed to send a thanking message to the buyer who purchase my logo design through Fiverr Logo Maker ? so if she/he need more services they can contact us through message? anyone doing it already?
  11. No, still at the 60 logo limit, i dont know when they going to upgrade, but i just reached 35% earning share, hope they will allow us to upload more new logos and extend the limitation.
  12. yes i'm now pausing some of the designs and updating new ones, making rotation of some least successful logos.
  13. Hi, I have 60 logos already activated and almost 30 logos paused because I'm allowed to have only 60 logos in my level, some of the paused logos were already with some sales and good impressions, but I had to pause them because I wanted to upload new logos with new industries, so i paused the logos with sales even i think they might get some more sales, i need to know from experienced logomaker sellers is this the right approach? or just keep the old logos with sales and wait until get promote to next level? currently, i'm getting 20-30 sales from logomaker every month, also some buyers message me to make custom modifications to my existing logos. please suggest to me your ideas and tips on how this works πŸ™‚
  14. i'm allowed to have up to 60 active logos in my logo maker section, now i have filled all 60 logo slots and waiting for next stage so i can upload more logos, i think i have got 200+ orders so far from these logos, is anyone upgraded to the next stage from 60 active logo limitation? if so when i can expect a promotion and is there any way to request for an update? let me know if you have experience in this topic, thank you πŸ™‚
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