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About prolancer724

  • Birthday 08/01/1966


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  1. I am honestly telling you this. Due to the biases of the Fiverr support and extra care to the clients, many of the clients are taking advantage of that and also they are now threatening the seller to get the job without paying.

    We are the sellers we know how many consequences we have to face if a Buyer reports Fiverr. But for the Fiverr support biasness this is now an unfavourable environment to work honestly in Fiverr.

    I have done all the job as per his requirements and also i have done the job as I offered. Also, I have done Zoom meetings multiple times with him and the job is sorted as well.

    Yesterday suddenly he came to me and told me to cancel the order otherwise I would report Fiverr support.

    He didn't give me any modifications he didn't give me any changes directly threatening me to cancel the order.

    Fiverr is always concerned with a favourable environment but is this a Favourable Environment?

    He took all his work and used them for his business and not paying me for the job.


    He will use them for his business as he got them already and also he will do the same things with other sellers and make the Fiverr marketplace more unfavorable to work. 


    Please maintain equality in any situation. Giving advantages and biased decisions is not good. 

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