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Posts posted by adnansanri

  1. I had the same situation about 4 months ago, first, my question is did you vailate fiverr? you can admit that as a start and don t do it next time, second, yes you can can recover, it s took my 2 weeks to recover, i was on the last page after i got warning now i m on the top page business is going good

  2. On 3/13/2023 at 8:30 PM, rahulkajla1 said:

    What you are experiencing usually happens when you receive negative private feedback. If your private feedback falls below a certain threshold, the stats of all the gigs take a nosedive. It takes anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months for your gigs and account to recover.

    Absolutley, i see that fiverr all about performance, when i m having good deliver with clients, i stay on 1st page, when i start giving bad experience, i get derank

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  3. On 2/1/2023 at 5:35 PM, basma_khaled said:

    I am happy to hear a positive story here. I am going through the same situation right now and all I have read here is full of negativity. I have passed through the same situation before for shorter period but I had orders from repeated buyers then,. So I didn't feel anxious. But this time I am really anxious. Can you tell me how things got better, especially that my frequent buyers don't need work right now? Did impressions increase overnight or what happened with you?

    Send me a message on private, i can discuss more details with you


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  4. Last month, i shared my story about anxiety that i got from fiverr after i got deranked, it was really hard to have me derank for about 3 weeks on this lovely platfom that i earn living from it, i had some very dark moments thinking that my source of income will be dead and i may get to 9-5 job that pay way less than what i earn from here, in this period i have been studying the issue, and all i got to understand is that fiverr algorithm is all about buyer satisfaction, if you are not providing the quality that make the buyer happy you are going down, and after getting few order from here and here, i got back on top, i even made 3 times what i can make in 9-5 job the same month i got derank,this month is good too ! in all those fiverr i got deranked many times, got few orders sometimes, but in the end i found my self doing good job and making way more what i can make in 9-5, i also would recommend to have another source of income, that how you can be protective all the time, don t get too confortable, you must learn new skills to stay competitive in the market, i even start my journey on another platform and got 2 clients there(trying to make another source of incom ;)).Overall, fiverr will always stay a great platform for all the good freelancers that can provide high quality service. 
    Special thanks to those who helped when i was searching for answers vickiespencerstrategist_ceovickieito

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  5. Last month, i shared my story about anxiety that i got from fiverr after i got deranked, it was really hard to have me derank for about 3 weeks on this lovely platfom that i earn living from it, i had some very dark moments thinking that my source of income will be dead and i may get to 9-5 job that pay way less than what i earn from here, in this period i have been studying the issue, and all i got to understand is that fiverr algorithm is all about buyer satisfaction, if you are not providing the quality that make the buyer happy you are going down, and after getting few order from here and here, i got back on top, i even made 3 times what i can make in 9-5 job the same month i got derank,this month is good too ! in all those fiverr i got deranked many times, got few orders sometimes, but in the end i found my self doing good job and making way more what i can make in 9-5, i also would recommend to have another source of income, that how you can be protective all the time, don t get too confortable, you must learn new skills to stay competitive in the market, i even start my journey on another platform and got 2 clients there(trying to make another source of incom ;)).Overall, fiverr will always stay a great platform for all the good freelancers that can provide high quality service. 
    Special thanks to those who helped when i was searching for answers vickiespencerstrategist_ceovickieito

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  6. On 8/13/2022 at 12:28 AM, smashradio said:

    The Fiverr algorithm is less about keywords and more about matching the right sellers and buyers. If you've experienced a drop in visibility, it's most likely due to your performance. SEO is only a small part of making a successful gig. The more important part is delivering excellent customer care, high-quality deliveries and having attractive gigs that are in demand. 

    Most sellers who experience a drop in visibility (less impressions/clicks) have an issue with this last part, and most likely, you've received negative, private feedback from a buyer. This will lower your buyer satisfaction rate and cause your gigs to de-rank. 

    Exactly ! i think it s all about performance and client experience

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  7. On 3/23/2021 at 10:09 PM, farooq_arshad said:

    Hi Everyone,

    I Hope Everyone is Doing Well.

    I Resolved this Issue Somehow It Started on 3 March and Ended On 19 March for me

    What i Did That i think Worked for me

    1. First I Didn’t Changed Anything in My gigs Not even a Single word Nothing

    2. I Stayed Active For Almost All Days Every Day

    3. I Contacted Most of my Old Clients for work So I got the work Within these days I Get 10+ Orders and Get 5 Star Reviews On them Based on My Quality of work

    So As per my Understanding 3rd Point was the point that helped me to get out of this Situation

    You Have to Get Orders and Get 5 Stars Almost 1 or 2 Daily if someone has any questions feel free to ask me

    Thank You


    image1400×410 24.5 KB

    Hello !
    Have you had this situation multitimes ?

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  8. Hello !
    It s spend a long time since i was a buyer on fiverr from 2018, i had never had months when i got nothing, always got a decent amount of orders,sometimes good sometimes bad, but i still earn my monthly revune and i was never needed on the money, as we all know, fiverr gigs sometimes up sometimes down, when it s down i still get some client from outside and the gig get up again so all good, i m full time seller on it and my niche is graphic design, so my question is can i live from it for the next few years ?
    Thank you

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