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Posts posted by atulcodex

  1. 13 hours ago, alice_077 said:

    As a new seller, I published my first gig today. Unfortunately I received a Email informing that as attached.

    My gig is that" I will add chinese or english subtitles to your video or audio". Considering that I have spent several years on learning video editing skills out of work, my friend encourage me to start the gig.

    Even though confuesd and disappointed, I still wonder whether the same situation happened to someone as me, and look for an effective solution from kind friend around. Thank you!


    email informtion2.png

    May be there is some confusion by platform so I will suggest you to manually contact Fiverr support team or @Lena mam

  2. 22 minutes ago, shreyaghosh236 said:

    i want to buy something from fiverr. but i unable to do payment. i tried many times but same result. i am from india. i using my visa debit card. can you help me?

    I have also suffered from this issue and it's because my debit card is allowed for only Domestic transaction and not allowed for International transaction by Bank


  3. 43 minutes ago, Kesha said:

    We’re thrilled to spotlight a remarkable milestone achieved by some of our exceptional freelancers on Fiverr: Earning $1M+ in orders!

    In honor of their achievements, we’re hosting a special webinar where these Fiverr millionaires will share their journeys, insights, and secrets to success. This is a unique opportunity to gain invaluable wisdom directly from those who have made it big on Fiverr.

    Join us Tuesday, July 9 at 10 a.m. ET as we celebrate their success and learn how to reach new heights with freelancing. Don’t miss out!

    For more details and to register, visit here.

    Registration DOOOONE

    • Like 37
    • Haha 1
    • Congrats! 3
    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, masud_kari said:

    How can I prepare accurate gig images for bookkeeping and accounting?

    You can use Canva, photoshop to design a perfect gig image and there is lot's of design who offer gig image design service you can hire them too

    • Thanks 2
  5. 4 hours ago, pascaleksabri said:

    I'm not being able to reply to messages, I get "Couldn't send your message, try again", any idea why? I am very new to the platform, and also keep receiving messages asking me to go to 'telegram' which I am blocking.. Thank you!

    It happens sometime on this platform, refresh the page and try again.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, zairasamad said:

    I'm new on Fiverr, I got my first offer but the payment is not getting through, I've entered all the details correctly and there is no issue from the bank. It keeps on buffering and not going forward.

    Can you share your payment page and order page screenshot or you can contact @Lena mam(FIverr support team)

    • Thanks 1
  7. 11 hours ago, kristyearnest said:

    I have a new gig, which says it has received 5 impressions.  Does this mean that the gig is active?   How can I submit my gigs for to be activated? I have a desire to get this gig activated.  How do I go about it?  Also, is there a way to get to browse the clients and possibly reach out to them? I want to know how to be more proactive. Thank you so much for your time!!1

    As I can see you don't have any active gig

    Please contact Fiverr support or @Lena mam


    • Like 9
  8. 13 hours ago, lakhi_akhter said:

    Hey sellers, I just wanted to give you all a heads up about a new scam method that's been going around. Scammers have been approaching sellers, claiming their order has been purchased and then providing a link to confirm the payment. Please be cautious and avoid clicking on any suspicious links. Stay safe and be alert!

    2024-06-30 00 57 44.jpg

    Be careful

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, renan_frassi said:

    Do those who develop web applications on Fiverr usually offer their own servers to deploy these applications? Or do you just develop the source code?

    In my experience, it depends on your client's satisfaction. So you have to clear it when starting the work.

    • Like 1
  10. 58 minutes ago, chronos_1 said:


    So as many here I also got invited for the new " professions " thing, I did complete till the step they required ID verification. It was mentioned there that failing ID verification could lead to account restriction. As A TRS with more than 500 review and 10 score, I got bit skeptical whether I should do it or not. I am open to do the ID verification but since it is an automated process handled by AI I avoided it. Seeing the forum, I was quite right since many got the verification issues.

    After 15 days have passed by, I wanted to ask if risking temporary restriction ( I am sure if issue occurs and I go through support route, it will get restored. But we all know how much time consuming and loss of potential clients will it result in ) is worth it for all new " Profession " thing or any manual ID verification is possible. 

    I think you have to contact Fiverr support team or @Lena mam

    • Like 4
  11. 14 hours ago, Kesha said:

    The luxury of being your own boss and working whenever and wherever you want are some of the incredible perks of freelancing. However, with this great freedom comes the responsibility of managing multiple clients and projects effectively, requiring a more advanced strategy for time management. To navigate freelancing well and ensure long-term success, you must learn to master your time. 

    Here are five tips to help you stay productive and efficient throughout your freelancing career. 

    Create a Schedule
    While being a freelancer means you can set your own hours, it’s vital to structure your days with a schedule. Keeping yourself accountable with a schedule is key to efficiently managing multiple clients, projects, and deadlines while maintaining a balance. Whether you prefer a traditional paper planner or modern digital tools, having a well-organized schedule will help you stay on top of your commitments. 

    Eliminate Distractions
    Whether you want to set up shop at your favorite cafe or your dining room table, as a freelancer, the world is your office. However, the flexibility to work in such non-traditional workspaces can also come with its fair share of interferences to your focus.

    While there is no right or wrong environment to work in, it's important to find a workspace tailored to your needs. Some ways you can eliminate distractions at home are to consider turning off non-essential notifications, having a separate workspace in your home, and setting boundaries with family or housemates. Steps like these will allow you to maintain your focus and productivity. 

    Take Breaks
    As a freelancer trying to juggle multiple tasks, it may be tempting to work long hours non-stop. Though this may seem like a good idea to get more work done, overworking yourself is also counterproductive and can lead to quick burnout. 

    Burnout is a common struggle in this age, but especially for freelancers, and it’s important to remember to take regular breaks. This can include short, dedicated lunch breaks, pauses in between tasks, and even taking a day off. Breaks allow you to rest and reflect on your work, increase your productivity, enable you to return with fresh perspectives, and will help maintain your mental and physical well-being.

    Track Your Time
    Time tracking is a useful practice that can help you monitor and understand how you spend your time as a freelancer. Without tracking, it may be challenging to identify where time is being misallocated, leading to wasted time, reduced productivity, and potential income loss. There are plenty of free digital tools and apps available to help you start tracking your hours. 

    As a freelancer, time is one of your most valuable assets and it's important to master managing it correctly.  By creating a schedule, eliminating distractions, taking breaks, and tracking your time, you can make the most of your time and build a profitable business with long-term success. 



    Thanks for sharing your valuable experience with us

    • Like 18
  12. 3 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    Did you use a VPN or tools to hide/change your location? Do you have 2 different accounts or someone else tried to login to their Fiverr account on your phone or computer. 

    The email says that the decision is final. I can only assume OP did not read the terms of service and did something that breached the Fiverr TOS. It does say location inconsistencies or other activities, so it might be that.

    You are so intelligent sir

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