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Everything posted by farrukhmaqsood1

  1. Despite completing over 20 orders and maintaining an 85% repeat business score, I find myself stuck with a success score of 4. What steps should I take to improve?
  2. your success score increase or decrease?
  3. hi guys my success score is stuck at 4 .i did many orders for my repeat buyers but success score didn't change ...?what should i do ?should i delete that gig ?will it change the success score?
  4. i have a question so your overall success score was 4 and then it become 6 in how many days?
  6. that is obvious reason that my gigs are not rank and i have to rely on buyer briefs. can you help me and give me suggestions or tips for improving my gigs so that they will show up in searches. when i search my gig keywords mostly my gig ranked on last pages and after getting 4 5 orders in a month impressions and click does not change only getting 10 15 impressions in a day from past 10 months
  7. i donot think so its good for new sellers
  8. no mostly i get orders from buyer request and i have 2,3 permanent clients. i donot know why my gigs donot rank .ranking is major issue of my account. what you suggest ? should i make a new account?
  9. donot know brother but situation is very frustrating because only top rated seller who already have good amount of order are getting briefs currently
  10. buyer request was good because new sellers can easily get orders by staying online and waiting for buyer request but buyer brief is not helping me didnot get a single brief
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