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Everything posted by nickkold

  1. Looks like there's some news on the new change. It looks pretty cool & promising, I think! https://www.fiverr.com/cp/product-release-2023 Also this: https://pro.fiverr.com/cp/fiverr-pro-launch-2023
  2. Did you send the same message to these people? If you send identical messages, they will end up in spam.
  3. Thanks for the clarification! Just to be clear - My point wasn't that I was afraid of a bad review because of how the orders have gone. It's more because I don't know how the customer will react if I don't wanna take on the order. Some people can be quite spiteful - even though how nice you are - just wanted to see if I could avoid such a situation. So I'm fully aware of the mentality you describe & agree with you.
  4. I basically just need to know for how long the private review is available for the customer. Not how long a bad review is affecting your account. I don't think I will get a bad review because the customer has tipped me my biggest tip yet, but I wanna be on the safe side, in case I turn down this order he wants me to do. I have RTO on btw, so I can choose between the orders.
  5. Does anyone know for how long the Private review/feedback is available for customers? How many days/weeks? Having a difficult repeating customer and I'm afraid to turn down the job, if he leaves a bad private review afterwards on our previous order. But maybe I don't have to worry, if the private review has expired (it's been a while since the last order). Anyone know?
  6. Yes, Pro and TRS.
  7. I've got a blue badge on my profile as well now. It links to Fiverr Select when you click the thing: https://www.fiverr.com/select 🤔 What does all this mean 😃
  8. I agree with this as well! Great point. I was about to mention this in my previous message actually. I've had the same thing happen to me. Especially agencies want to keep this on the low.
  9. I think they will miss a lot of potential "Pro" sellers this way. I wouldn't have signed up to Fiverr if they hadn't accepted me into Pro based on my previous experience. Fiverr is not my main clientele - so I wouldn't have considered it, if I had to go through the normal process. I'm glad I gave it a try because I like it here - but I wouldn't have considered it - hadn't it been for Fiverr's "Pro" application. Fiverr is very overlooked among my peers, so - at least in the field I'm working in - it would need something extra to get colleagues to sign up - and that's where the Pro application for example convinced me to give it a try. This is of course an example from my own experience and not claiming this as a fact or anything - purely based on subjective observations. I guess my point is, if they want to recruit people working in the field professionally - chances of getting them to use the site - are going to be much higher if they vet based on industry experience as well. The other method is gonna lower the chances a lot of recruiting that category of freelancers, I think. If Fiverr is interested in this type of "Pro" at all - I don't know, but that's just my 2 cents. Okay, enough forums for me for today 😅 - have a great day everyone out there!
  10. I would agree with @catwriter & @dylesto here. I also mainly do bigger orders & I also use RTO every month, simply to choose between clients, so I'm sure I can deliver a good service every time. So I'm not into just taking in as many orders as possible, because I want to take the time it needs to deliver a good output for the customer. Not saying that others, that has a lot of orders every day, can't do the same - but this is just what works for me. I think this is at least as "Pro" a mindset as someone who does 5k orders or reviews. This is in a way a different skill-set and doing a lot of orders is another skill-set, as I see it. But one doesn't make the other person more of a Pro than the other. I've worked in my field for 17+ years plus now. I got vetted into Pro, because of my portfolio. So I come from a background working professionally with an agency (Sony Music Publishing) & through that got big clients like Nike, Louis Vuitton, BMW, Haglöfs etc. In my perspective, this is at least as experienced and worthy of the "Pro" badge as someone with 5k reviews - so I respectfully disagree with @levinewman here. It's probably also a different kind of customer that goes in and orders a $1000 order - someone who needs your dedication and attention. I think there's room for both ways of being a "Pro" on Fiverr (low amount of reviews vs high amount) and I would imagine Fiverr as well wants both kinds of Freelancers represented on the platform. Hopefully.
  11. Yes, this. What is the process for allowing the Buyer to review it afterward? Is it just if the Buyer didn't like the outcome of the delivery? I really hope not. Then we as sellers are screwed and can be taken so much advantage of.
  12. Hey! So if a canceled order is over 14 days old, the buyer won't be able to make a review on the order? I'm asking because I have a 3-month-old canceled order, but I shouldn't be worried about a review on that, right? Also: "Buyers (excluding first-time buyers) can leave a review for canceled orders within 14 days from cancellation if the case involved lateness, unresponsiveness, or an unsatisfactory delivery." Does this mean that first-time buyers can't review a cancelled order at all or are they just excluded from the rule? So about the last paragraph above, how does that work? Will the buyer apply for getting permission to review or does the "unsatisfactory delivery" for example get reviewed by support and either get accepted or not? Is it a manual process or does the system conclude what's eligible for a review or not?
  13. I would also love it if "Request to Order" became a free feature. Would help so many sellers out. I personally buy Seller Plus Premium every month (so US$39) and I only buy it for that single feature. It's a lot of money, just for that. I got all the other features through either Pro or don't use the benefits.
  14. Hey, I asked my SM if it was okay to make this request, she said yes, so hopefully I'm not breaking any guidelines. Otherwise, let me know. So I frequently get clients who need either a logo or an animated one (mostly the latter). They reach out to me in the first place to get an Audio Logo also known as a Sonic Logo. Basically a Sound Logo. Not to be mistaken with a Jingle, but they are pretty similar. I'm looking for 1 or 2 people to collab with or send my clients to when this need occurs. I need someone I can always trust will do a good job and leave them with a great experience. Maybe we can even do a back-and-forth - if your clients could need Audio Logo work and we both benefit from the situation. If this topic is not allowed, please let me know. So, yeah, anyone out there interested? Would love to see a portfolio as well - could be either on here or a website, if allowed.
  15. Most likely a private review that made your Buyer Satisfaction Score go down. Maybe even from a new buyer. This is (as I understand it) the most critical situation, that can de-rank your gigs quite heavily. This is of course just a guess and could be other things as well.
  16. I feel like this is a problem as well, I don't know what the solution is, but I've had to message clients about possibly leaving private feedback (my success manager recommended me doing this, because my private review rating had dropped recently). Something I outside of Fiverr would never do (bother the client with things to do for me), but I sorta had to - to make my private rating more correct in happy vs. unsatisfied customers, because as you say, you are more likely to spend time leaving a bad review than a good one. It's a shame, because I don't think this system works and is as fair as it should be, at least not for the seller.
  17. I would love this too, basically anything that has a better conversion rate/fee than PayPal. It's a shame they take such a big cut.
  18. Hey everyone, I'm a Music Composer, Sound Designer, and Audio Editor. Been on the platform since June 2022.
  19. Yeah, that makes sense. For me, clicks have dropped as well. Not much, but definitely less than in previous months. I also suspect new customers could have an impact on my ratings lately. I have had a couple of demanding customers in the past month. I used to be first page on a lot of my gigs in various categories (I know, lucky), but lately they have dropped to page 2, 3 and 4 (not that this is bad in itself). Happened to about 6 of my gigs. Giving it time, seems about right, because I've seen my gigs fall up and down on the first page a lot. Giving space to new sellers and other Pro sellers. It's only fair of course.
  20. I would love to hear thoughts about this as well. I currently have it on, on all my gigs. It's just nice to know that I won't get an order I can't complete or need to finish quickly all of a sudden. But if it's impacting my gigs - I will of course change this. My order and impressions have dropped as well. Any thoughts/experience with Request to Order?
  21. Thanks a lot for your response. Yeah, my minimum is US$100 on the Pro Gigs. I would actually charge the same on the TRS gigs as I already have on my Pro Gigs. That's not too much of a concern for me - it was more if anyone had experience with this - if it's actually an upgrade for them (ranking-wise, traffic-wise, and of course income-wise). If people don't wanna pay that amount on a TRS gigs, that of course also answers my question.
  22. Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here. Today I got Top Rated Seller and I was wondering. I'm already a Pro Seller and my gigs are doing good, even though some of my gigs dropped in ranking recently. My question is not, what's the best (TRS vs Pro gigs), but: Does it make sense to have both gigs online? One normal gig (TRS) and one Pro gig of the somewhat same service? If this is even allowed of course. I can see this increase your chances in the search result, but is there anyone who has experience with this? Would this make sense to do or will it hurt my pro gig rankings? In the overview of all the gigs (when browsing for a service) - my gig only shows I'm a Fiverr Pro Verified and not a TRS or when using the advanced search function to only see TRS gigs - I don't show up (I only have Pro gigs online), so that's the reason I'm wondering if it would make sense to do - to be more present with clients searching for TRS. I hope someone can help.
  23. Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here. Today I got Top Rated Seller and I was wondering. I'm already a Pro Seller and my gigs are doing good, even though some of my gigs dropped in ranking recently. My question is not, what's the best (TRS vs Pro gigs), but: Does it make sense to have both gigs online? One normal gig (TRS) and one Pro gig of the somewhat same service? If this is even allowed of course. I can see this increase your chances in the search result, but is there anyone who has experience with this? Would this make sense to do or will it hurt my pro gig rankings? In the overview of all the gigs (when browsing for a service) - my gig only shows I'm a Fiverr Pro Verified and not a TRS or when using the advanced search function to only see TRS gigs - I don't show up (Pro gigs only), so that's the reason I'm wondering if it would make sense to do - to be more present with clients searching for TRS. I hope someone can help.
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