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Posts posted by nickkold

  1. 10 hours ago, lalitsdmittal said:

    The Fiverr team never contacts in the chat box.

    I've had Fiverr Staff contact me via the inbox. For example Yoav and Ran. There's a little Fiverr logo next to their name if they are legit. Where the "Pro Client" badge etc usually is.

  2. 3 minutes ago, domenikbrenner said:

    AI looking over chats and analysing them for our seller score is a bad idea.. Even if a human looks over it, it doesn't really tell how the client was picked up and made understood or how they felt about it. Sometimes a bit of tough love is necessary and even expected, at least I can imagine if someone hires Vickie for her literary criticism, which is literally that: My text is bad and I want it to become better, so you need to tell me what's wrong and fix it for me.

    Wait what is happening? Is Fiverr using AI to scan our chats with the client and use this information for what? Determine our score/rating or? Can someone link me to this information or help me understand? 

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, cucinavivace said:

    Nope. That's what I meant by "even if the gig is now inactive." A number of people have said right in this thread they've already tried to delete low performing gigs and it didn't change anything. Maybe they just didn't wait long enough, but as I understand it once your score is fried the only thing that will bring it back up is more positive markers.

    Oh, my bad - I thought that meant "Paused" status. Thanks for clarifying for me. 
    So deleting it could be worse, because if you at least keep it you could try to improve it and get it back up to normal/good? Or are my maths bad here?

    • Like 5
  4. 56 minutes ago, cucinavivace said:

    Just as a point of clarity since many don't seem to know much about the private ratings and some never knew they existed: private ratings have always impacted your gig performance. They've been in the algorithm for marketplace visibility for a long time. At least since 2016. So, it's not that they never mattered at all and now do. They've just never affected public facing stats or your level, which I think is fair since we can't respond to them and they're not always necessarily about you.

    If you're not performing well on one gig or you have one gig where there's bound to be more discontent (like SEO buyers who don't get results right away and have a tantrum, though they won't say so publicly because they just told you they were happy, or because the way the private rating questions were worded maybe the buyer actually was happy with you but didn't like their "overall experience" because the results weren't as fast as they'd like), then maybe that one gig lost some visibility. It's not perfect, but it's reasonable. If buyers aren't happy for whatever reason, maybe that gig doesn't belong at the top of the search results. That was the impact then.

    Now with the success score and ratings impact, you could have five gigs where private ratings don't impact you at all and still lose rank over one, even if that gig is now inactive. That's the difference. It's one gig's visibility impacted because of potential customer dissatisfaction with that one gig, whether with you or the product/service in general, vs a judgment of your performance on the platform overall and keeping you out of the big leagues on levels and resulting higher visibility in general.

    Does anyone know if deleting that badly performing gig (badly performing in private ratings) would make up for the rankings overall? With this scenario above in mind. I was in a roundtable meeting with Fiverr and someone asked this question and they told us it would delete that success score metric and not count towards the overall score anymore - but this was some 2-3 months ago and a lot has happened since. Does anyone know? Probably not.

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Alex.M said:

    I've heard this in the past but how do you actually do this...  I'd be annoyed if I would receive messages as a buyer with something like '' hey please don't forget to respond to your private feedback thing ' or whatever it's called ... I don't really find it professional to send such follow-ups to my buyers


    40 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    My SSM said the same. Nevertheless, I think I will stop doing so. It seems that if there is less private feedback, there is less to affect our SS score. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @maitasun may have a point here. 


    I feel the same way. I can't get myself to do this - it just seems very unprofessional as you mentioned. I'm here to make my client's life easier - I'm not here to give them homework. For the most part, it's the very well-paying and big clients that don't leave a review even though they are returning. They are busy - they have other things to do and I'm not going to bother them with stuff like that. Now that I hear this is a bad thing - I'm starting to question if I should start doing it - but I'd rather not. Both for professionalism towards serious clients but I know I would also dislike it as a customer. What are everyone's thoughts on here - are you gonna follow and remind clients more or keep on as usual? I'm super conflicted about it. If you follow up for potential feedback - how do you word it? 

    • Like 5
  6. Here's what CS shared with me:

    "I wanted to send you I'm here to provide you with an update regarding the rating you see.
    Please bear in mind that your rating changes are part of a test that we are conducting, which applies to all sellers on our platform.
    We're adjusting the rating system to accurately reflect performance, easing the pressure of aiming for a perfect 5-star rating. Research shows ratings between 4.0 and 4.9 are actually more trustworthy.
    We're conducting these tests while ensuring fairness across the marketplace. The test will only be on the buyer's side, and not all buyers will be exposed to it. If buyers are included in the test, they will witness the new calculation for all sellers on the platform.
    Scores will consider ratings from the last 2 years and incorporate historical private ratings, to present a more realistic view of your service. This adjustment may result in some freelancers seeing a decrease in their public rating scores."

    • Like 7
  7. 2 minutes ago, vibronx said:

    It might be a glitch for now, but most of us will get a 4.9 rating come March 14. This is just a taste.

    Yeah - I think this is correct. It's just a matter of time.


    @vovkaslovesnyy thanks for the reminder - makes sense in relation to this topic

    • Like 15
  8. 4 minutes ago, ssj1236 said:

    I cannot find the words to convey the depth of my frustration which is kinda bad since they're my bread and butter. 

     Explore frustrated GIFs


    I don't think you should be so worried. It's also kind of scary for me to go down to 4.9 - but as long as that's most people - I don't mind it. I've also found the rating system on Fiverr to be very inaccurate and almost meaningless. It's scary but I hope this will be more fair in the long run.

    Edit: If this is only affecting a small group - I should be worried for sure - I hope not. 
    I guess my point is - as long as it's an even playing ground in terms of the rating for all sellers - I'm all for it.

    • Like 12
  9. Ah, okay this is happening to everyone, right now? I also just got 4.9 on my dashboard - not showing on my public profile or on my gigs yet. But I guess this will change soon? 

    1 minute ago, vibronx said:

    They added two new rating metrics "Quality of delivery" and "Value of delivery" which will ensure that every seller now has a 4.9 overall rating instead of 5... which will end up changing nothing.

    Some people are already seeing these added ratings on their profiles. I can't see them on mine yet, but like you, my dashboard also shows the 4.9 rating.



    Where did you find that rating breakdown for you profile @vibronx?

    • Like 18
  10. Hey! My gig just got moved to the new category - which I'm happy about - but this category ("Composing & Soundtracks") still exists within "Music Producers": https://www.fiverr.com/categories/music-audio/producers/composing-soundtracks?source=category_filters - In theory this almost better fits what I'm doing - most of what I'm doing is music production rather than traditional composing. My question is - will this "Composing & Soundtracks" inside Music Producers be deleted then? Otherwise, we have two of the same category and I should probably rather be placed inside the Music Producer category as that's more fitting in terms of methods used within my profession. Don't get me wrong - love this new change - just curious.

    Edit: Looks a little bit like it from this statement: "Music Producers - with Beat Making, Remixing, Backing Tracks, and Ghost Production"
    Excluding "Composing & Soundtracks"

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  11. 46 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

    Of course, this may differ from category-to-category. But the question is, is it a big issue and do we face these issues on a regular basis? Personally, I can barely remember when anyone ordered one order outright. My clients (even new buyers) first come to inbox for discussions and then place an order through custom offers.

    But again, that too depends person-to-person and category-by-category. I do not have the collective data of all sellers as I am not a staff, so we can only point out things from our personal point of view. What is the percentage of orders you get directly (if you want to share with other members like me)?



    Right now? 0 - because I use RTO. In the past before RTO - it happened once a week. So maybe every 10th order was a direct purchase. For me, it takes a lot of stress off my shoulders - making sure that every order I do - I know I can deliver and have time as well. This wasn't the case for me before RTO. We are all different and tackle a lot of orders or difficult orders differently - for me, RTO is much needed and a big part of why I decided to stay on Fiverr. The other way of working is not for me.

    For the actual question, is it a big issue? To some it's a big issue - to some, it's not. It's a hard question to answer. Again, it depends on the industry you work in. I know Fiverr is really focusing on getting businesses involved and "doubling-down" on their Pro members (as they said it themselves). I know, from my experience, and the industry that I work in - that agencies and colleagues - work within similar systems as RTO - where you make a request and you have a talk with the client first. So if they are interested in getting more "Pro's" from that industry - they are probably more likely to join - if things like RTO exists. Again, I'm speaking from my own personal and professional experiences. So, in my opinion, it doesn't matter how many actually use the direct buy feature, it's the safety the seller has in having full control over your business and always making sure you can deliver + control your schedule. This way I'm ensuring to give the client the time and care their project needs. It's also an easier way of pricing your services - as quotes differ from need to need.

    Losing me as a seller is not a big issue at all for Fiverr - but why not have the option available for those who work better this way - and increase chances of keeping or attracting the sellers that work better this way. I know a lot of my colleagues are starting to show interest in Fiverr after they announced the big platform change towards "Pro" and RTO is a standard way for part of that seller segment to run a business.

    • Like 11
  12. 1 hour ago, rawque_gulia said:

    Then it will be overused too badly. Everyone is going to lock their gigs and remove the direct buy button. From the buyers perspective (who are new to the platform), it doesn't look too good. To new buyers, it may sound like a complicated process to buy any service. 

    So, make your gig description as clear as possible, so that buyers can immediately judge whether you are a good fit for their project or not. But nowadays, sellers use the description field for keyword and SEO purposes (basically spam) and not to describe their service (for which that field is created), and then they complain that buyers automatically place orders.

    I am a Seller Plus: Premium member and have access to that feature, but still my gigs are open for direct purchase as the description and tier of my gigs are very clear and I don't have to worry too much about these things.

    I'm sorry, it's not as easy as "Make your gig description as clear as possible so that buyers can immediately judge whether you are a good fit for their project or not". I don't know your field, but in my field - expectations and examples before entering into an agreement - need to be discussed/shown beforehand. I'm sure a lot of Audio Editors will agree with this. This applies to musical compositions as well. It's a very subjective field, so a conversation beforehand is needed to realise expectations. I can write a super informative and precise order page (And I do) - but in my field every project is different and you will never get to cover it ALL neither can I promise to fix certain audio issues every time - so I need to talk with the client beforehand and discuss issues. 

    My point is - for some tasks - sure you can probably write a description to make sure the right fit places the order. But for the more advanced orders - no gig description is gonna be enough. It's also important to take price into account. The more expensive the gig, the more expectation will come - this is where RTO is important. You don't see agencies in the industry with a direct buy button for a reason. These things can take multiple directions - which is great to discuss beforehand. You're speaking a bit from your own point of view here and not really having a full perspective on the subjective.

    • Like 11
  13. 2 hours ago, samcaff said:

    The BEST way to withdraw money without losing on Fee's and currency conversion. 

    1. Withdraw USD via Payoneer and set Payoneer to automatically pay the money out to a WISE account. 

    2. Convert USD into any currency you please. 

    3. Thank me later


    Withdrawals to Payoneer = $1 

    Wise currency conversion = Almost live market rate 

    Hey! How do you make it automatically payout to Wise? Tried googling it, but couldn't find any guides. 

    Also, this is safe, right? Saw an old thread where Payoneer didn't recommend doing this because: "Technically, you can transfer to TransferWise from Payoneer to TransferWise, but it is not at all recommended. You can pay your supplier via bank transfer, but our bank transfer is meant to be received by an actual physical bank and not a virtual bank. We don't recommend adding a TransferWise bank there, as it is virtual and you may encounter issues receiving the payment." Source: https://community.payoneer.com/en/discussion/76282/payoneer-to-transferwise

    • Like 7
  14. 5 hours ago, Yoav.M said:

    @nickkold - according to our Product team, the answer is YES, we are going to work on optimization of the Portfolio during the next few months.

    Awesome! Thanks for getting back on this so quickly, excited for this!

    • Like 20
  15. Now that Fiverr has taken a big step towards the Pro experience - is there any chance we're gonna get a better portfolio? Right now the max 50 MB limit on video uploads makes it impossible for me to upload anything in high-res - Which is a really important part of representing your work the right way as well as presenting it in a professional way.

    Also, one minor update that would be neat visually - especially on the pro page, but also on your profile page. Allow newline/line breaks in the description (you know, hit enter for the next line spacing should be visible). Right now it's just a wall of text and it doesn't look nice - should be clean and simple or less overwhelming to look at. 

    Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15.07.19.png



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