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Everything posted by elunub3

  1. It is clear that business is not interested in our personal reasons. But if we have resolved this issue together with the client, found an understanding, and these circumstances do not affect the client's satisfaction with my services, the fiver should not care, the platform should not decide. I wish you a speedy healing.
  2. It's a shame if so. The mechanics of the feature can be understood, but the impact on the user experience of buyers and sellers is not clear. Dozens of different factors can influence the need to extend the deadline: from the reasons related to the delay from the buyer to the banal, my sick leave. If there is this function, if I used it and the buyer agreed to the request, why do I suddenly become a bad seller? I didn't put pressure on the buyer, I didn't manipulate, I didn't let them down. It's simple: if they have a strict deadline, they may not approve my request, and if I'm late with the delivery, I'll get a negative rating and a bad rating. It's only fair. But if the client and I decide to extend the deadline together, why does the fiver decide that my services are bad and my gig shouldn't be shown on the first page anymore? It's very strange if true.
  3. Hello there! I'm delighted to see the platform evolving and your efforts to enhance it. A special thanks for creating this topic where you clarify all the aspects and address questions. I just wanted to share my feedback regarding this system. I see there are numerous comments here, and I'm confident that there has already been a response to my, so to speak, Gig. However, I want to reiterate that this is simply my opinion and feedback. I don't anticipate any explanations or further responses. I simply hope it will contribute positively to future updates So... The system is too complicated. Honestly, I didn't understand much from the main message of this topic, how ratings are formulated, and how I can influence them. I don't think the system has become more transparent. It just means everyone will get lower ratings than they do now. If we're implementing such a system, it would be great to specify more clearly how I can influence the metric. Articles with advice like 'Be polite, meet deadlines' don't work. I'm polite and meet deadlines, yet I have poor metrics. My clients are satisfied, and most of them place regular orders, but all my gigs are poorly rated. Here I'd like to delve deeper into the strange rating system, specifically using my own example: I had to delete one of my gigs because a random order placed in the past completely ruined its performance. It had a popular niche and great presentation, but it always had terrible statistics, and only now I could see that Fiverr's algorithms rated it at 4 points. But shouldn't such orders not affect statistics according to the rules? I'm not at fault that someone placed an order accidentally and decided to cancel it immediately. But my earnings suffered. Yes, you mentioned this in the main message. But as long as the problem exists, I believe it's fair to mention it in my feedback. As for the gigs that currently exist for me and are rated, I'd like to add some comments to each one. (The numbering corresponds to the numbers on the screenshot). № 1: What does 'Conflict-free orders - Room for growth' mean? How can I specifically influence this? This gig had no conflicts. It had two successful orders that were executed absolutely clearly. The rating is unreasonably low for no reason. № 2: Here I can assume that in the non-public review, the client rated me less than 5. But again: Why does the 'Order cancellations' category not have the highest rating if there were no cancellations? As for the 'Value for money' rating, it's a huge question mark: Why? This encourages sellers to lower their prices to match the highest scores, and, in turn, sellers will seek alternative ways to earn instead of working for pennies on Fiverr. With this aspect, you're promoting a race to the bottom and, consequently, diminishing your own earnings. It's strange that the product team of one of the most popular freelance platforms didn't take this into account. № 3: Again, it's unclear why 'Effective communication' has such a low score. For example, the client gave a rating of 2-3 in a private review...? But I highly doubt it. We had a great collaboration, and they placed repeat orders. And once again, the strange 'Order cancellations' category. № 4: Overall, it's magic. Two categories with the highest scores and yet an overall rating of 8. So how can I achieve Top Rated status? Conclusion: Before implementing such a complex system, it would have been ideal to fine-tune the rating algorithms and consider every detail. Because now it seems like these ratings are assigned randomly. No logic. And obviously, these metrics have always affected our statistics and only now have become visible to us. As your user, I state clearly: this system doesn't add transparency and doesn't enhance my user experience. I don't understand how I can influence these metrics. Your article with basic communication rules provides little practical benefit. A practical response to the question 'How to improve the metric?' is 'Respond to the client every two hours', 'Avoid using such-and-such words in dialogue'... not 'be polite'. At the moment, I absolutely don't understand how to improve the metrics mentioned in my examples. I really hope that this month and our feedback can improve the organization of the system. For now, it's interesting but very poor. Let's hope that after the final launch, the number of our projects will increase, and it will have a positive impact on us as freelancers. Honestly, though, Fiverr is turning into a center of dumping, and even now, very few clients are willing to order more than $5 per hour. Considering my usual rate of $30 currently, I don't see the point in staying here if the situation doesn't improve. Thank you for reading this. Best wishes, Lika
  4. Poor updates, they do not improve the experience of working with the platform. Especially in terms of response time. Come up with some other system to evaluate the effectiveness of the response. Why do I have to send meaningless emoticons or messages with no meaning just to have the last word when the dialog is already over? It's a shame that the two most famous freelance platforms are almost monopolists. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to accept any changes that worsen our experience as freelancers. So, we work and wait for some new, more friendly platform to appear. So far, there are more disappointments with each update. And the fact that there's not even a digest... well, we don't need to know, let's keep it a surprise :)
  5. I like alternative music and rock:) I hope no one minds if I share my Spotify playlist here? 😊
  6. Hello! I sympathize with you very much and understand to some extent... We also have a huge fuel shortage right now due to destroyed oil storage facilities and the fact that most of the fuel was supplied by a country that has been aggressive in our direction. The economy was afloat for 3 months and now it's getting harder by the day. Also, I cannot convey the pain for the people who cannot get grain from our country and are threatened with starvation. Unfortunately, our planet is going through a difficult time right now. Natural disasters, famine, wars, civil unrest. It's all very sad. I send you greetings from Ukraine and I support you. Let's hope that the situation in the world will get better soon. ❤️
  7. Hello! I am from Ukraine and I am very pleased that Fiverr supports us and created such an initiative. I am new here and I want to become a part of the Fiverr family. I would also like to join the Ukrainian Gig store. For now I don't know how to do it, I am still getting acquainted and studying this wonderful platform. So now I just want to introduce myself, following the example of my countrymen in this thread:) My name is Lika, I do web design for over 2 years. I create design for websites, platforms, applications, as well as design posts for social networks. Responsibly and with love approach to each project. I create quality, attractive and comfortable design. Glad to meet the Fiverr community!
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