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Posts posted by developerlikhon

  1. Thanks for this breakdown of Gig pricing on Fiverr! The points about packages and extras are really helpful. I especially like the idea of using extras to keep the base price attractive while offering additional value to buyers who need it.

    The reminder to raise prices gradually as experience and reviews build is also great advice. It makes perfect sense to show value through increasing expertise.

    I'll definitely check out the Fiverr Help Center articles you linked for more details. This is a great resource to get started!

    • Like 5
  2. Absolutely! This is a fantastic guide with practical tips for navigating those tricky situations. Staying calm and professional is key, and focusing on resolving the issue builds trust and strengthens your reputation.

    I especially like the point about avoiding arguments. It's easy to get defensive, but listening to the buyer's concerns shows you take their feedback seriously.

    Thanks for sharing this!

    • Like 10
  3. Hi there!

    Being a Pro Seller on Fiverr can be a great way to land high-quality freelance gigs. Here are some ideas to get your one-minute video started:

    • Intro & Hook: Start with a confident introduction and a quick attention-grabbing statement about your expertise.
    • Focus on Value: Briefly explain the benefits you bring to clients. What sets you apart from other sellers?
    • Showcase Work: Include a short, impactful highlight reel of your best work.
    • Client Testimonials (Optional): If you have any positive client feedback, including a short clip with a client saying something great about you can add trust.
    • Call to Action: Wrap up by inviting viewers to check out your profile and contact you for their projects.

    Bonus Tip: Keep your video visually engaging with clear audio.

    Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful:

    Good luck with your application!

    • Like 2
  4. On 5/17/2024 at 4:04 PM, muratnalcaci said:

    What would be your first words to the buyer other than greetings or "How can I help you?"

    Here are a few options for replying to a buyer on Fiverr, depending on the situation:

    General approach (shows appreciation and opens for details):

    • "Hi [Buyer's Name], thanks for reaching out! I'm excited to hear about your project. What can I help you with today?"

    Focusing on their specific needs (requires some info from the buyer's message):

    • "I see you're interested in [mention something specific from their message]. I've helped clients with similar needs before. Can you tell me a bit more about what you're looking for?" (Replace bracketed text with specifics)

    Highlighting your expertise (if relevant to their message):

    • "Hi [Buyer's Name], thanks for contacting me! I specialize in [mention your relevant skill]. Is there a specific aspect of [their project area] you need help with?" (Replace bracketed text with specifics)

    Keeping it brief and professional:

    • "Great to hear from you! Please share some details about your project."

    Remember to adjust the tone and content based on the buyer's message and your own communication style.

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  5. Absolutely don't delete your Fiverr account and creating new ones is a bad idea! Deleting it won't solve the flag and creating new accounts violates Fiverr's terms, potentially leading to a permanent ban.

    Here's what you can do instead:

    Only consider creating a new account if Fiverr explicitly allows it and you're sure you can comply with their terms. In most cases, contacting support is the best course of action.

    • Like 3
  6. Hi Miraj Hossain, welcome to Fiverr! There are definitely ways to improve your gig's ranking. Here are some tips:

    • Optimize your gig for keywords: Think about what buyers would search for to find your service. Include those keywords in your title, description, and tags. But be careful not to stuff keywords unnaturally.

    • Create a compelling gig profile: A great first impression goes a long way. Use a high-quality image and write a clear, concise description that highlights your skills and experience.

    • Offer competitive pricing: Research similar gigs to see what others are charging. You might need to start a little lower to attract buyers initially, but you can always adjust your prices later.

    • Provide excellent customer service: Respond promptly to inquiries, deliver high-quality work on time, and be open to feedback. Positive reviews and ratings will boost your ranking.

    Fiverr doesn't give out specific requirements for ranking, but these strategies should help buyers find your gig and increase your chances of getting orders.

    Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful:

    Good luck on Fiverr, Miraj!

    • Like 5
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  7. 23 hours ago, Kesha said:

    We know: freelancing is the dream gig! But just for fun, if you weren’t working in your current field, what other career path could you see yourself pursuing? 

    If I'm not in this industry, I might be in the mobile and computer selling and assembling business. I am also going to enter this industry soon, choosing it because I always like to be my own boss. I don't know why, but I really don't like to work under someone.

    • Like 5
  8. 20 minutes ago, farhan_editz said:

    It's something with the automated algorithm that calculates the cancellation rate without considering the factor if the buyer has initiated it or the seller. You'll have to contact customer support and explain the whole case if the buyers have initiated the cancellation.

    I canceled the order from my end via the resolution center, but the issue is not the cancellation itself; the problem is that the cancellation percentage is increasing day by day without any reason. However, I have opened a ticket with Fiverr Customer Support, and I'm hoping that they will resolve this bug soon.

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, farhan_editz said:

    Gigs have always been shuffled that way to provide room and opportunity for new sellers. But it's temporary, and the gigs with good ratings and scores come back up if they're still maintaining it of course.

    I understand that, but the thing is, the web category doesn't have much client traffic. So, it doesn't make sense to do such a thing instead of focusing on marketing. However, this is just my personal opinion, so please don't take it personally.

    • Like 2
  10. I am facing an issue with the order cancellation rate. Last month, I cancelled 2 orders due to client faults, resulting in a cancellation rate of 23%. However, nowadays it's showing 33%, even though I haven't cancelled any orders recently.

    Additionally, I've noticed that gigs are being shuffled in the search results without any apparent reason. Most of the time, I see lower-rated freelancers taking the top positions, while good sellers are pushed down to lower positions. This is frustrating for me. I don't understand why gigs are being shuffled, especially since we see low client traffic in the web category.

    • Like 3
  11. On 12/5/2023 at 12:52 PM, jhonehenry333 said:

    I don't know how i will survive on Fiverr. After working 7 years on fiverr i have to stop now

    • No promoted gig working
    • No brief matching 
    • And no gig ranking on search list

    i think seller plus is useless for me also. just a waste of money. 

    I don't know why its happening to me. 



    I understand your situation. My suggestion is, if your gig promotion is not working, then turn it off for now and make some changes to your gig. See if your gig appears in the search results. If it does after the changes, then turn on the promotion option again. I think you will benefit from doing that.

    • Like 8
  12. I first joined Fiverr in 2020, but at that time, I couldn't work properly on the platform, so I deleted the account. I created a new account in April 2022. Later, I took another break for 8-10 months because I was working as a COO with a software production company. However, I left that company around March 2023 and returned to Fiverr to establish my personal brand.

    • Like 8
  13. Your points are all valid, but I have a concern about the last part of your title, specifically "Here's how to become a valued member." My question is: why should we focus on becoming a valued member here? Is there any benefit to being seen as valuable? I personally don't think so. Forums are great for engaging with professionals, discussing relevant topics, and sharing and solving problems. It's more about how we behave and contribute that earns respect, rather than trying to prove ourselves as valuable. Before posting topics like this on the Fiverr forum, please consider if they are truly useful. I'm sorry if this comes across harshly, but it's just my opinion.

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  14. On 4/26/2024 at 8:33 PM, sonmoyseo12 said:

    Hi, I am Sonmoy Talukdar. I am an SEO expert. I have 2 year  experience in Search Engine optimization. You can hire me on Fiverr to boost up your websites Fastly. I have gained extensive knowledge and expertise that enables me to provide effective SEO services to businesses and a certified SEO content writer having experience working as an SEO Content Writer and a blog writer . I had good success working with a variety of restaurant, real estate, and construction organizations. Thank you for considering my services - I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

    The Fiverr forum is not for marketing. You can promote your services on social media instead. Also, it's important to learn basics such as where to share your content and where not to. I hope this makes sense. Thank you!

    • Like 4
  15. 10 hours ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    I'm thankful for your explanation. It will help me and others ensuring future security.


    what I'm worried about, that could also mean Facebook can access Fiverr's cookies ?

    Google can access facebook and so on... ?

    Not sure if I'm understanding correctly, but that doesn't make sense.

    I mean if that was possible, every 3rd party site we visit, would have accessed and logged our all sessions ?

    On daily basis, we visit random blogs, doing searches, different forums... My history states, I have surfed 200+ sites in April. So do they all have ability to steal my sessions ?

    Congrats! 🥳

    Not every website can access cookies from other websites. Only malicious websites with cookie hijacking scripts can do that.

    • Like 4
  16. 8 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    Congratulations! But don't forget to set your security question and password and note them somewhere safe. I usually save them in Google Sheet in one of my gmail account. You can do the same. 

    Thanks, basically I store important things in a physical notebook, but I forgot to write down my Fiverr security question in the notebook. 😞

    • Like 4
  17. Great news! My Fiverr account has been restored with the help of Fiverr customer support. I want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone in this Fiverr forum community for providing suggestions and resources. A special thanks to @priyank_mod for tagging @vickieito, and thank you @vickieito for sharing your story. I also want to thank @Lena for reviewing my profile and bringing my issue to the attention of the Fiverr team. Once again, thank you to everyone for your help.

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  18. 1 hour ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    For confirmation you mean a website can access 3rd party sessions stored in your PC ?

    e.g attacker site can steal Fiverr's cookie if we visit them, yes ?

    First, your personal computer doesn't store data from websites directly. Each website has its own server where all its data is kept. This is known as web hosting. For instance, when you visit a site like Fiverr and log in with your account details, Fiverr's database checks whether your login information is correct. If it is, the database lets you access the Fiverr site smoothly.

    To manage this process, Fiverr uses a method called cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data stored in your browser that contain information like access tokens. These tokens are kept until you log out of your account.

    Now, if you visit a harmful website while still logged into Fiverr, and this harmful site has malware that can hijack cookies, it can steal your cookie. Once a malicious website steals your cookie, it can gain access to your access token. This is how hackers can potentially compromise various websites using this method.

    I hope this explanation helps clarify things for you.

    • Like 5
  19. 3 hours ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    After clicking link, what did you do ?

    Did you enter credentials on fake site (phishing) ?

    or ran any malicious software executable ?


    I wouldn't believe if just clicking a link can do such.

    (unless browser is outdated and was exploited, but even after its less than 1% chance)

    It's important to understand the risks associated with visiting malicious websites. When you visit such sites, they can potentially access your browser's cookies. Every website stores important information in cookies, and if these are hijacked, it can lead to serious issues.

    As web designers, we are aware of how these threats operate. However, part of our job also involves checking client reference websites, which may pose risks beyond our control. If you're unsure about cookie hijacking, I recommend researching it online to learn more about the topic

    • Like 6
  20. 3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    HI @developerlikhon - It may take some time before you can figure out your security code. Right now is a really stressful time for you, so you might want to try answering your security questions when you aren't so anxious. I know when my husband passed away, it took me a long time to figure out his unlock code for his iPhone. All the codes I could think of initially didn't work, and each time I tried, the wait time to try a new code increased, by hours, and then by days.  So I took a much needed break for several weeks. Once my head stopped spinning and I could think more clearly, the unlock code just came to me. I hope the same for you.

    I can understand your distress as well - My Fiverr account was hacked into last year due to clicking on a link to a "resume" that I was supposed to view but couldn't bring up. Shortly after clicking on the link, I was kicked out of my Fiverr account and I found out that my account no longer existed - the hacker withdrew all my Earnings and put in a request to shut down my account. I really thought it was the end of my Fiverr career and had little hope for my account being restored.

    It was very scary because it was the only source of income for my family at the time. I was very lucky that my account was restored. The mass cancellations of all orders in queue brought my level temporarily to Level 1 but I was brought back up to Level 2 very quickly, and after five months, I was able to reach TRS status and my highest earnings on Fiverr. My husband passed away around that time, so things have changed since then. But I'm doing what you are doing - trying to recover and rebuild from what has happened. I really hope you can recover from the hacking and wish the best for you and your business! 💗

    @vickieito Last night, I submitted more guesses. An hour ago, I received an email from Fiverr Support requesting proof of antivirus scans for my laptop and mobile. I promptly submitted the proof and am hopeful that the Fiverr Support Team will lift the restrictions on my profile. Thank you so much for sharing your story; I find myself in a similar situation now because one of my orders was cancelled on Fiverr. If this current order isn't cancelled and Fiverr doesn't restrict my profile, I will earn the Level One badge after completing the ongoing orders. Nonetheless, I remain hopeful that Fiverr will resolve my problem. I am doing my best to provide all the necessary proof they require.

    • Like 7
  21. 1 hour ago, mt_najmin_nahar said:

    Try to remember did you note down the crucial information regarding Fiverr account when you have created it.

    I can't remember the security question, and I've checked all of my private notes and files, but I can't find the security question anywhere. A moment ago, I submitted more guesses for the security question to Fiverr customer support. 😞

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