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Everything posted by gdaydesign_au

  1. Mmmmmmm.... food! 😋 All this talking about food is making me hungry, haha. ❤️ For me, tonight's dinner will be a chip burrito from Salsas 🌯
  2. "The truth is out there" (from the X-Files)
  3. Hi everyone. My inbox reply rate is 100% and yet mine says 10hrs!! I haven't had new orders recently or new buyer messages and yet my average response time has dramatically gone down from 4hrs to 10hrs!! Has anyone else experienced this? Is it because I am an Australian seller?
  4. I really like the second option! It looks very modern, professional and visually appealing. I think the composition in the first option has a lot of detail/elements which might distract potential buyers from choosing your gig or clicking on the thumbnail. How about you? What are your thoughts? 🤔
  5. I speak English and a little bit of Japanese 😊
  6. It is winter in Australia so it has been pretty chilly and rainy, haha 🥶 "I come from a land down under" — Men at Work How about you?
  7. Hi everyone. I am from Australia 🙂
  8. Hello. Hope you are having a great day. I agree with those who have answered this question that you can only obtain 1 Fiverr account but within that account you can still offer any services you are skilled or good at (so it doesn't have to be just 1 service category). According to one helpful Fiverr customer support member, they said that new sellers are only able to create 7 gigs/services but as you continue to level higher, you will be able to create more gigs (offering a lot more services to potential clients). I hope this helps 🙂 Kind regards, Caitlin
  9. Hello, I hope you are having a great day. I agree with the other sellers that deleting the gig won't affect your profile. However, rather than deleting the gig and creating a new one from scratch, you can always update your keywords/tags by clicking the edit gig button (even when they are live/active). I hope this helps 🙂
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