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About ashleymahan217

  • Birthday 02/17/1990


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  1. Hey Ashley! Long time no see! How are things going?

    1. ashleymahan217


      Clever way of answering that question! I'm sorry to overload my messages - does the posting limit only apply to posting on other people's forum posts? (I mean, is there a "posting limit" for how many times we can post a status update or a limit for inbox messages?)

      I got my 1 year badge now! Woot Woot! I'm moving up in the Fiverr Forum 🙂

      Did you get my message about the image editing offer that I got? I just couldn't believe that message, it blew my mind because it was done so professionally - like they made it sound like a great gig - but then I'm thinking about it like "I'm not removing someone's picture from their site! That's insane!"

      So, you're officially a top dog on the forum now. Does that mean you get to make forum choices and actions (reporting posts, moving posts, stuff like that)

      Aww it didn't post my pic!

      Funny Brighten Someones Day Ecards | American Greetings 

    2. vickieito



       is there a "posting limit"

      Hi Ashley - you get 5 posts/emails and 1 status reply & 1 status update. I can talk with you here because you can still use emojis to respond to me when you are post-limited (you can't do that in private messages)!


      I got my 1 year badge now! Woot Woot! I'm moving up in the Fiverr Forum 🙂

      Lol! You're too funny! I do miss your woots!


      Did you get my message about the image editing offer that I got?


      Yes, it was definitely spam! There's been a lot of spam lately.


      So, you're officially a top dog on the forum now. Does that mean you get to make forum choices and actions (reporting posts, moving posts, stuff like that)

      Anyone can report posts (even you)! And these badges are really meaningless - it just means that I've spent too much time on the forum!

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