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Posts posted by soufianejanna

  1. On 5/8/2024 at 11:22 AM, donnovan86 said:

    Because people expect professional-quality services in return for their hard-earned money.

    I really liked this sentences, and totally agree, we, as Freelancer we should always treat our journey here as business, and always provide high quality services. 

    • Like 4
  2. On 1/10/2024 at 6:47 AM, vickieito said:

    Hi @Kesha!

    I'll have to admit that it was really hard for me to come to terms with this new layout over the past year. I grumbled a lot because I really liked the old layout. I thought the old way provided a better "snapshot" to buyers without them having to click so much to expand all the different sections.

    After seeing your post, I did update my seller profile, but it was to include less information. My seller intro was condensed to three lines (so buyers don't have to "Read more") and the number of skills that I have listed was pared down to five (so buyers don't have to click on the "Show more" to expand the skills section). I also deleted a bunch of certifications so that buyers would not have to scroll down to see more if they clicked on the "More about me" button. I'm now happy with this new look but deleted a lot of information about myself in the process. I know the goal was to increase buyer engagement with seller web pages but I found most buyers weren't expanding the sections to read more (especially in the gig descriptions). I do like how big the portfolio samples are and those samples are getting seen by buyers. 😊

    While this is good move for the seller profile (which should emphasize the seller), this was not a good move for the gig page (which should emphasize the service). Because I didn't like how the new gig view emphasized the seller instead of the service, I switched all my subcategories so that I could retain the "old" gig page view - the view that emphasizes the service being provided, the gallery samples, and allows all buyers to read the entire gig description without clicking more to expand the section. I felt this change was necessary because I received so many spammy and irrelevant messages from buyers who were not reading my gig descriptions after the new gig page view was implemented.

    I can see why Fiverr is trying to make all gigs look like Pro gigs. However, the increased engagement is probably due to the increased clicking that is required to read all the content. As for conversion rates, I know mine fell with the new seller-focused layout for my gigs. Buyers weren't reading past the few lines of the gig description that was shown. So I reverted back to the old view and had better conversion rates. I'll have to adjust if all gigs eventually revert to this new gig view.


    I always come to this forum to learn from you, thank you 

    • Like 24
  3. 7 hours ago, vickieito said:

    If a buyer orders by mistake and wants to cancel the order, go ahead and accept the cancelation ...then submit a help desk to have your stats adjusted so that the cancelation doesn't affect your order completion rate.

    The buyer gets back their funds and you aren't affected by those types of cancelations. This also works if a buyer orders and then immediately decides they don't need the order.

    Thank you for this, I will try to talk to the customer support if that happened again. My performance really affected in the previous cases.

    • Like 8
  4. Hi @vickieito thank you for your explanation , sincerely I was upset when I had known that you were hacked and hope everything comeback to it normal soon ( it is just a matter of time) , the nice thing I liked in your story (nightmare) is that fiverr recompensed you so it make us feel that we are in a safe place.


    And want to say thank you to Mr @donnovan86 for his directions, I and doing well on fiverr and want to test fiverr seller plus for at least one month to optimise my gigs so I will take what you said in consideration

    • Like 7
  5. If my buyers ordered by mistakes, or don't know what they want, and request a cancellation explaining why they want it, I immediately accept it without talking to fiverr team, since unhappy buyer can leave a negative feedback can hurt my performance and exposure for a long time more than cancellations.

    • Like 10
  6. On 8/8/2021 at 4:26 PM, manuelmarino said:

    when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

    Well said, I Personally over deliver when I find a buyer who is kind and willing to help, and always try to keep a long term relatioship whith them/

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  7. On 5/22/2023 at 5:05 PM, wpmanditech said:

    I have got recently a bad experience cancelling order on Fiverr. Although my gig didn't went down in impression. It impacted on the gig for the last 3 days. My gig impression is now around 8k. One thing I noticed that I got 1 or 2 messages everyday before cancelling one of my order. But for a few days, I have been not getting any message from buyer despite of increasing impression. 

    So, I realized that it's due to cancelling one of my order. My suggestion for new seller will be not cancelling order. It'll badly impact on your gig. 

    Get a clear instruction from your buyer before accepting any order. Besides this, discuss with your buyer clearly about the job that you're going to do. Even deliver the job before ending the deadline that's fixed as time counter on your order page. The late delivery also affects on gig.

    Hope this will be helpful for new seller.

    it hurts a lot, I personally experienced cancellation 3 times from 3 different buyers and the main problems was are the bad communication, anbiguity of requirement or ordering by mistake. 

    • Like 12
  8. 1 hour ago, vickiespencer said:

    Okay so for some reason I could not add my comment to the text I just quoted. 

    I wanted to add that buyers who are in a hurry often can hurt your profile through the private review system. So, I refuse to work with them.

    Yeah refusing them and keeping your hard work, mood, profile going well is much better 

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  9. 12 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    I hope that you realize that buyers that contact you because you are online are in a lot of cases the most difficult buyers that you can get. If they do not want to wait a few hours until you respond in your inbox, then be prepared for a bad experience.

    From this prespective I totally agree with you Mr Filip, since I personally experienced many bad experiences with these kind of buyers who want the work done in lesthan one hour and those who want a high quality service for the minimum price.

    So I want to tell other sellers to be aware of that when they want to work with these kind of Buyers

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  10. On 3/28/2023 at 11:01 AM, greenlz said:

    I agree, especially as a 3D graphics designer who creates really cool stuff. I get really sad when my buyer doesn't allow the product to be showcased in my gig, but okay it's life. Respect their privacy and their ownership to the product

    I am in the same situation, but our buyers' privacy first, we should understand their concerns.

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  11. 11 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    WRONG! Staying active or being online does not help you at all. This is a myth spread by sellers with a lack of knowledge about how Fiverr works.

    I personally think being online can help in some few cases, especially when a buyer need his/her work to be done quickly, so they prefer contacting an online seller to discuss the project fast 

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  12. 2 hours ago, dev_mh said:

    Be active when you're actually doing something on the site (like creating or editing gigs, or checking out your competitors, or doing orders, or responding to messages).

    When you have nothing useful to do on the site, do something useful somewhere else.

    Smart Advice; developing new skills help to get more work.

    • Like 5
  13. 12 hours ago, sazzarul_seo29 said:

    Bro, I am new to Fiverr. I am completing four orders. I need to change my gig image a bit. Will my gig be down if I change the image during my order? Many brothers suggest that if I change the image, then the gig is not down. 
    Expert brothers, please help me with my problem.

    this is an interesting question, from my experience I can tell you that if you changed your gig image your gig will go down since the algorythm will consider it as a new gig created and added. 

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