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Everything posted by milos_siena

  1. I don't think that any seller knows the causes of negative private reviews. That's why they are private. I do agree that when you are dealing with someone who is never satisfied, even asking questions (relevant too) might cause a negative review. But that's just a buyer looking for a reason (any) to rate you negatively. You can't fix this kind of people, but fortunately, they are not the majority.
  2. Probably the copyright issue with your pictures. Where did you find the picture where cars are shown ?
  3. This advice is useful, especially with those over-sensitive buyers, who might rate you well, but then fry you in a private review because of some stuff. Then again, you will always have those who are never satisfied, but the point is to reduce the probability of a negative rate/review as much as you can, considering the present rules 😒.
  4. "To set Extra Fast Delivery: My Gig Extras > Extra fast delivery. Select how many days it will take you to deliver. Set the price for how much more you will charge. Note: If you select Extra Fast Delivery, the number of days required for the Extra Fast Delivery cancels out the amount of time indicated in your Extra Services. The delivery time must be lower than the regular Gig's delivery time frame. You can offer Extra Services for your Gig, which will be available to the buyer during the order process (Optional). To offer Extras: My Gig Extras > Select from the list of items. Click Add Gig Extra > Complete a title (mandatory), description, price, and how long it will take you." - from Fiverr Help
  5. It is good that you have old clients, your good performance might speed up the whole process. Approximately you will have to wait 3-6 months more for the gig to start showing in search.
  6. It's a great feature. Read this: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/13703724418961-Creating-your-Fiverr-intro-video
  7. Well if the impressions didn't lead to clicks and orders eventually the algorithm won't favour you that much. The video on your gig is not original or useful. I would advise you to bring more informative video or pictures.
  8. Nice logo examples but you should correct language mistakes in your gig and introduction. "Here are some of my new designs" would be the correct sentence, for example.
  9. Pictures are too general. You can show web store examples in your pictures. And the video is not connected to your business in any way.
  10. You need to fill your profile with data and create gigs - read this starting info: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig
  11. I guess you are talking about 2 orders created on 18th march - one was cancelled and the other one is completed, and what I can see is that you got money from it. There's one order from today and it is in progress. Can you be a bit more specific ?
  12. One of your gigs hasn't got a picture. Contact support@fiverr.com.
  13. Don't allow unlimited revisions. It won't lead you anywhere.
  14. Maybe someone will give 80 dollars to someone who hasn't got any sales. Feel free to try that.
  15. It looks like you are using AI to fill your profile, which is not a good option if you are fluent in english. Those prices you set might be lower, since you are a beginner.
  16. You might want to add better photos, with more details. Also, you can explore the Forum section "Tips From Sellers".
  17. You have some writing errors in you gig title. Also you could add more photos and more detailed ones.
  18. You can read this article: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig You don't get to approve your gig, only publish. The Fiverr team decides about approval in about 1-3 days.
  19. Do you still see this review thing? I've checked and all of your gigs are approved without any negative labels.
  20. Data entry and typing jobs are something most people can do nowadays, so I am not sure how often buyers ask for these services. Consider adding some more skills.
  21. Your gig mentions doing college application work. Probably why it is denied.
  22. It is probably due to your main gig getting negative rates. You can check that on your gig page.
  23. Before the click, a buyer can see the gig picture, title, price and your rating. You are new and your prices are too high.
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