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  1. Dear @Lena


    My support ticket is #11148892

    Could you please be kind and see my support request?

    i will really be greatful to you as i am really in a great stress right now i believe My account was flagged by mistake .

    First of all, i am really very sorry for this long message but believe me i dont have any other option than requesting and eleborating my concerns and case.

    Secondly, i am working with great dedication at fiverr from more than last 4 years till now, a few days back MY ACCOUNT GOT FLAGGED, i wrote to support and i got the answer there is location inconsistency issues, i am really sorry for that if it is the issue, but believe me i have my office approx 15KM away from my home and my fiverr account is logged in at two of laptops at my office and at the same time my fiverr account is logged in at my mobile device as well via fiverr app and i use two wifi networks (one at home and one at office)  and one cellular 4G internet at my mobile phone 24 hours. 

    i travel very occasionally within city or even outside city but never went outside country. 

    i never violated any TOS or did any violation or never got a single warning in my whole carrer at fiverr you can cross check even, i never even thought about violating any TOS, i have more than 4 years hard work behind my account current status. so why would i do that?

    i have completed 1856 jobs so far at fiverr, with 1345 clients at fiverr and i have 1126 reviews on my profile and 95% are 5 stars ratings and 3 to 4% are 4.7 to 4 stars,  even do not have a single 1 star rating at my profile.

    my job completion rate is 100%. my response rate is 100% ,on time delivery is 100%, never delayed a single order from my side even if i have NATIONAL HOLIDAYS here in my country i stil do work and even on sundays as well, even got 9 success score out of 10,  there are really a very few cancellations a few of them are ORDERS PLACED BY MISTAKE FROM CLIENT and we cancelled via support.

    i am attaching even screen shots of my account and stats for your kind review. 

    i reply to all clients immediately and i have countless sleepless nights behind this as you can cross check i daily respond to my clients and acknowledge their messages immediately does not matter its 1am at my side or 3am at my side i do respond immediately and do not sleep before 1 to 2am as i know i have clients to respond and i sleep in pints, how i can even imagine after all this hardwork i will do any violation  and bear all this pain after doing any violation? i can not even think about this its more than life in prison to me,

    i request you humbly , kindly consider my request and if there is any unintentional violation kindly let me know i will immediately obey what you will say . please consider my request and allow me to work here as i have my whole setup which is solely dependent at my work on this platform.

    i always worked hard and tried to satisfy each and every client as my all stats are witness on this statement.

    i am really very sorry for the inconvenience please give me one chance and kindly just let me know the exact issue and i will never ever repeat that its my promise and humble request to you as i have a whole team and at this point we all are really worried from last one week, please be patient with us and consider our request.

    i am really very hopeful and will look forward to your kind response in this regard.

    i am attaching a few screenshoots of my account for your kind consideration.

    Thanks a heap for taking the time to read out all my scenario.



    New Matrics.png

    1. Lena


      Hello @mehboobahmed6821 

      Please be informed that our Customer Support will reach out to you in your ticket #11148892.

      We appreciate your patience on this matter. 

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