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Everything posted by grayprogrammerz

  1. Problem is seller level. Normally that happens to new seller like having 1-3 requests or no requests. Today I got level one and now I stun to see 600+ requests.
  2. Fiverr has breaking changes every year. But when I was new, I got first order from BUYER REQUEST page. I sent client offer and he contacted me and I satisfied him by answering all questions he asked. Price was too low i.e $5. But when he noticed good performance, he gave me more order $15. and it continued and I earned 65$ in total from more orders. So first build good profile with all details including. Then atleast finish 10 orders with 5/5 star rating. Then continue to snatch big orders. If no success, than its better to have something than nothing.
  3. Okay so I received email from Fiverr stating that I'm level one seller. I'm very happy today And thankful for combination of efforts put by by fiverr and buyers in different scenarios . But little unexpected thing is my statistics. The on-time delivery is in critical 89%, but still managed to got level one. Any ideology for that ?
  4. Hi I'm curious and want to know whether my rates are according to market or not. Currently my average selling rate is: $19.32 And I'm happy its increasing as ratings are increasing. At start, it was $7 and it raised as I raised prices. So what about you ?
  5. I'm thankful for fiverr, if spam requests get filtered automatically. But also concerned about seller plus procedure. Will certified requests be displayed to only seller plus members ? If that's so then, I fear competition of talent and experience will change into talent vs money race. I mean like a certified buyer gets request only from a Seller Plus (investor), not necessary a talented freelancer. Also it will become more hard for new sellers (having no income = no investment).
  6. First step is to somehow just take order. For that, actively monitor buyer request page and set lowest time and $ rate possible. Build up profile with great reviews and ratings, and then you will earn more trust and orders.
  7. Alternatively you can also email support@fiverr.com
  8. Well I'm freelancer, not a slave to wait for a client's response for months. Both my time and client cooperation is important. If I do 100% from my side, then I shouldn't be blamed because I fulfilled my responsibility. We deliver according as per our understanding. Now its buyer responsibility to ask for revision if required. Strange. I heard first time that a buyer can report on incomplete delivery. Then I would be one having 170+ warnings. 😁 Buyer ask for revision if changes required, not report. Even if buyer reports stating "seller did incomplete delivery", then fiverr support will suggest them to: 1. take revision or 2. cancel order Or may be I misunderstand, please correct me (if any).
  9. Please note that its fiverr community (mostly consisting of sellers, not buyers), so promotion will have no benefit except bad impression.
  10. I can feel your sadness. It happened with me as well where buyer lates delivery by non responsive cooperation. Its situation where your hands are tied. If you cancel order, order completion rate effects and if you wait, order on-time delivery rate effects. In both conditions, level is gone. When buyer is offline, I usually hit delivery by saying "delivering work, due to lack of response". And this method is working to put pressure on client to respond. Else order marked complete in 3 days. For now, I suggest you spent more hard work this month with more orders with great pace. Level is updated every month, so hope you get back your level next month.
  11. Even if you wouldn't cancelled, situation would have remained same. If you take that issue to fiverr support, offcourse they would show sympathy, but again they can't do anything as client has right to cancel whenever they want on the name of "I don't got expected solution" (even after getting perfect solution). So to avoid such scammers I suggest to take time to see previous reviews of client. Also they raise a man's greed by offering 1250$. and get it back when they got what needed. Also prefer repetitive buyers than new buyers.
  12. When we visit user profile, visitors get listed. And after they can detect who reported them. It may become a privacy concern. I agree we do need such option in case if profile picture is NSFW or profile has ads/spam ....
  13. Theme depend on taste. For me, I like grayish dark theme. But I agree, we do need dark, white (already), gray themes. Currently workaround is to use "Dark Reader" extension.
  14. 🤩that's the point. The ratio of orders depend on no. of request sent.
  15. Just adding my 2 cents to discussion. Following advice is insane, means even someone have your password, they can't login if 2FA enabled. Thanks to author. 4. Always use two factor authentication
  16. What about time limit instead of quantity ? I mean allow to change username in a year. like facebook do. There may some scenarios where folks learn new abilities and eventually change their profession. So there, they may need to change it occasionally. They can't create new accounts as it is violation of fiverr's rule.
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