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  1. Hey @Lena @milos_sienaI would like to sort out this issue of mine which was a misunderstanding by the system as I have completely provided all the proofs and evidence to prove everything the customer support has mentioned, recently I have also been notified that I am an agency approved so I have also turned in my profile for the agency. It is also approved as well, please help me get my account unflagged I will be very grateful as I have done nothing wrong, I have been a top-rated seller on Fiverr for years, and now I got stuck into this thing, and all because of this I am not getting so much work on Fiverr. Please help me fix my account back I shall be very grateful, here are the ticket numbers where the conversation can be found with the CS: ticket number #11098363 and #11113220.
  2. they were false warnings by the system due to misunderstanding and when I provide me every detail with evidence they are like ghosting me, ignoring my replies to the requests and marking them as solved by the system, when I open a new thread and ask them to fix this as I have provided every single evidence which proofs that my warnings are wrong they reply me with this now. "Upon thorough examination, we have identified certain inconsistencies in your account location or activities that suggest a connection to violations of our Terms of Service. As a result, your participation in Fiverr's level system has been permanently restricted." After providing them with my travel history to other countries they still do the same response, like I have done nothing wrong, was a top-rated seller with hundreds of reviews, and suddenly with this new level system thing my account is being flagged. I have been working on Fiverr for years this is my only source of income which feeds my entire family on which my entire family is dependent. My Fiverr account is all I have and then the support is not giving the proper support and not helping the sellers making it really frustrating for everyone up here. It's just not good, outta nowhere they say your account is flagged, and even after providing all the proof and evidence they say nothing. I hope they fix all this flag issue soon. Really looking forward to getting the help from support we all need.
  3. Hi everyone, Same thing happened to me for no reason, they have put 2 warning on my account previously in july in which i told them i will provide every proof they want as those warnings are a misunderstanding by the system, it happened because my friend visited me and we both are sellers on fiverr and we both were using our accounts on our own devices and the system put the warning saying i have multiple accounts and purchasing reviews to manipulate the system. There is nothing like that i have done and when i have provided me every proof and complete details in the reply on my ticket, they are not responding anymore and just marking my ticket as solved whenever i ask for an update. Please help me with this and i want this issue sorted, i have provided them proof that i did not have any other account neither i am buying reviews as i was a top rated seller with a lot of clients (new) every month.
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