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Everything posted by kayashossain

  1. You need to post, interact in the forum. This is how you will get a higher badge. Please note that this forum badge doesn't have any relation with your seller profile.
  2. Chickpeas salad. Yammy and healthy!
  3. Of course! If you asked proper question and get the same, and if you can improve your skill according to that suggestions, you will definitely get lots of orders for sure.
  4. Insomnia? What's that? I always think about this in my sleep but cannot remember the answer when wake up.
  5. Click depends on your GIG images & gig title. If a potential buyer doesn't like the Gig image and title, they may not click on the gig, apparently. If you are really worried about Gig impression and clicks, then do some search tag analysis, and you can do a competitor analysis as well. All the best.
  6. Hello Ejju, It's obvious to become sad, and a bit frustrated after not getting any orders as it's already been 5 months. Rather of showing dissatisfaction, please try to find the improvement areas. Think yourself as a buyer and what would have your requirements from a seller (specially a new seller). Are your GiGs fulfilling those requirements? If no, then upgrade your profile images, descriptions, pricing (wherever the improvements are required). Improvement is a continuous process. Waiting for your first good news here. Happy Freelancing. KH.
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