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  1. It wasn’t until about page 4 that I started to see gigs without reviews, some of them have some crazy pricing, charging anywhere between £100 to £4000 for the exact same bot, I know this because I clicked on a few and they would have screenshots with the same interface, looks like it’s just a android app too, so they’re charging hundreds if not thousands for an APK? A lot of the gigs had one or two reviews and were always from the US, makes me think these gigs could be paying for reviews. Would take quite a bit of reporting to get Fiverr to start taking some of these down but to be honest I’ve never seen a profile I’ve reported taken down. Edit: I really don’t get it anyway, I mean, if you’re making thousands with a trading bot why the need to come to a site like Fiverr to sell it? Surely you’d be making your thousands/millions with your bot?
  2. It seems trading bots have quite a market on here although they all claim high earnings and mention nothing about risks, looks very shady.
  3. Great work with this once again! I’ve had a few ideas for some new gigs but this has made me rethink them a little. Baaack to the drawing board.
  4. Sure there are $5 composers but that doesn’t mean the quality will amount to a $500 piece. People get what they pay for and the fact there are sellers charging as little as $5 doesn’t make the marketplace any less professional, it just means there are options for all budgets. This is just a quick search I did and plenty of sellers seem to be making sales regardless of price point. So, again, just charge what you charge. Of course that won’t guarantee the same amount of sales a $5 gig might receive but personally I don’t think the point is to overload yourself with cheap work and Fiverr is one of many sites, you lose nothing by putting up your gig and welcoming the possibility of working with clients looking for the value you can provide.
  5. Got into music when I was 16, a new latin-trap artist had emerged from Puerto Rico seemingly out of the blue and I was captivated by his style which made me want to do the same. I got into songwriting and started to explore the basics of theory, vocal technique, etc. It led to me purchasing a 66-key and because of financial reasons going into studio or purchasing beats wasn’t a viable option so I decided that I needed to learn everything myself. Started learning guitar, drums, bass, production, mixing, sound design, anything that could help me. I got student finance and began my studies, I’ve done a Music Performance course and I’m now two years into a BA, I finally decided around the end of the first year of my BA that I was good enough to freelance which has been a great experience so far.
  6. Well, I’ve got quite a limited budget so I’ve only got three mics, I use my RODE NT1 for vocals and guitar, I like how it doesn’t colour the sound too much. I’ve got a SM58 and a Sennheiser e835, I barely use the SM58 I just find it muddy, the e835 on the other hand I use for recording percussion and my small practice amp lol. I really want to get a small drum set-up so I’m thinking about getting a pair of Beyerdynamic M-80s, I’ve had a chance to use them before and I think they’ve got a really nice warm tone to them. Overall though, my NT1 is the mic I’ve always got ready to go so I’d definitely say it’s my favourite, I’m in an untreated room too so going any higher in price range would be pointless. EDIT: I recently got for a RODE NT-USB Mini for my gaming livestreams and zoom calls but it’s garbage lol, wouldn’t recommend for anything.
  7. OH WOW, Time to go into Vocal Tuning >:) Only 712 services? I’ve been thinking about it and how to market it but now I really want to if there are so few gigs, who knows, might get a decent result. Thanks for this!!
  8. Every. Single. Time. meme1172×756 345 KB
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