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About sakinur_rahman

  • Birthday 08/25/1904


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  1. I will suggest to do keyword research and include 2-3 keyword in your gig title. But keep the gig title meaningful. Also include 4-5 keywords in the gig description. If you don't know how to research keyword about niche . Then just search on youtube. You will get a bunch of videos Thank you
  2. In my opinion, shopify is the best. It's easy to handle, smooth loading time and totally bug free.
  3. This is surely a myth that you will have to active on fiver 24 hours. You don't need to do that. But try to be active 10-12 hours. Best solution is to use fiverr apps on your smart phone. And never use the browser auto reload extension. If you fiverr can detect it, your account will be deleted for sure. Thank you
  4. I totally agree with you. I hope the Fiverr team will observe this topic and comments and will take action.
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