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Everything posted by dponzio

  1. I am sorry for what happened to you. I don't see this as a matter of age, erratic personalities and know-it-alls come from all ages. I step back as soon as I detect such red flags. Life is too short for dealing with them, no matter how much money is involved. On the opposite, between yesterday and today I worked with a very nice, young client on another platform. The good thing about him is that he is aware that he has limitations in an urgent situation with an important client, and hired a professional to help him out. He is very smart in his job, but is also aware that he might need help in some areas, is happy to pay for that and is appreciative and polite. In my experience, I came to learn to focus on attitudes and behaviours, not age, nationalities or similar.
  2. I have tried NEO just now. Asks many questions and produces highly inaccurate results
  3. However, "active" gigs are not "paused" gigs. Why does the 10-gig creation limit include the paused gigs then? Is it a bug?
  4. Thank you, I tried and it worked!
  5. Hello, I have 9 active gigs with a current limit of 10, so I worked to create a 10th gig to publish. But a message popped up saying "you cannot create more than 10 gigs". I verified the limits per level on the website, and I only found mention of the limitation to "10 active gigs", not to gigs creation. I have a few paused gigs. How does this work? Shall I delete the paused gigs? I am grateful for any informed advice, thank you! 😅
  6. I think I now have an answer, at least partially - gigs can be rated even in the absence of public reviews. One of the gigs for which buyers never shared their public feedback as it is so easy to buy and deliver, now appears to have a 3 score, with negative impact on "effective communication". I reviewed my communications with such buyers and could not find any issue. Except that, when the most recent buyer tried to obtain my services for free, I duly reported his message, but without having any controversy in our conversation. He then decided to purchase the gig. Do you think that reporting as suggested by Fiverr can affect our gig score?
  7. As per last April I suddenly had more enquiries, including more serious ones than usual, which lead to actual orders. But my score has been dragged down twice, in spite of early deliveries, happy clients etc. I feel in good company here though 😉
  8. I believe that if such a thing leads to account flagging, they should not allow such partial deliveries to take place at all, and become more clear when you first push that button
  9. Thank you, but the order has been completed a few days ago and the client gave me a 5-star review with great comments. I wrote to Fiverr Support.
  10. Gosh!! I was not aware of this strict rule for the delivery. Just a few days ago, I delivered an order for a video-consulting session gig without any attachment, as the client said that she did not need any report or document, and was fully satisfied with our session, during which she took many notes. When I clicked on the delivery button, there was a pop up asking if I was sure about it, but nothing helped me realise that I was doing a serious breach with consequences. I had a drop in my score today. Might this be the cause? What shall I do next? Any advice please?
  11. Well... I am not a new seller but most of those who contact me are still scammers, red flags or clueless types. The average quality of buyers that Fiverr attracts is not high. In light of this, I do not see the gig conversion rate as a reliable indicator.
  12. In the meantime.... my score went down today. 😅 I am not aware of any issues caused and, on the contrary, as mentioned I had more enquiries and orders than in the past, as I read it is the case of others here
  13. Fiverr is a small part of my business and, despite having been here for a few years, I haven't made many sales for several reasons: my client-vetting policy, my choice of selling boutique and niche services at fair prices, not having a great visibility on the platform, and getting only a handful of serious and realistic enquiries. I stick to my policy as it has benefited me in the overall across all my revenue streams. Following this transition, since April I am receiving enquiries more often, some from motivated buyers who actually order, and got a few more orders concentrated in one month. I do not know exactly why, but is it a coincidence worth exploring? Having said that, I share many of the perplexities on the new system, the role of AI in judging us and the weird consequences on "effective communication". I am unsure about my score as it went from 8 to 7 and just one of my gigs shows its rating details, due to my low number of orders so far. But I thought useful to share my bit of positive coincidence. Is it possible that this new system will benefit some sellers in the medium-long term? What do you think?
  14. As someone else suggested already, raising the prices -which in most cases means reaching a fair, credible, market pricing - helps a lot as if they do not take time to read your words, they will reflect before emptying their wallet. 😉 It happened to me once and, since I raised my prices, it has not yet occurred again.
  15. Hello, I discovered a new seller in my specific country niche service category and have been observing him/her for about 3 weeks now. I came to believe that he/she plagiarised my gig, at least partially, and strongly suspect that he/she has purchased fake reviews. I always welcome fair competition as it helps learning and growing but this one has: - Initially plagiarised the words in the package structure of my gig, and added bits that show his/her incompetence in this specific service area as they do not match with the service itself. An actual provider of such service would never add such bits to the deliverables as they are inconsistent with it. - Got one initial review which sounded fake for a number of reasons, including the tone of the review which is in my native language (I also checked the buyer, his activity does not seem relevant at all with the service purchased) - Got a 2nd review which sounds even more fake - unusually long, with part of the content inconsistent with the actual service described in the gig. - Messed with languages spoken: initially claimed to speak Italian, English, Spanish, French and Danish (Wow! All together? Is this credible?). Danish has now been removed. I also looked into this service provider, who advertises herself/himself as an experienced company (with logo) in this service area (supply chain - procurement), specifically in my country. The problem is..... there is no trace anywhere of such company or professional individual service provider internationally, which may offer such services in my language and related with my country. Nothing. And I am a good researcher and investigator, if there were any indirect links to providers with similar names, logos, claims etc I would have tracked them down. Any other similar one provides very different services from this one. This one looks artificial and entirely out-of-the-blue. In a nutshell: this looks to me like en entirely fake entity, fake logo, fake description, fake languages, improvising services and claiming skills without any specific experience, plus plagiarising the work of actual professionals. Someone like this is likely to trick and damage buyers, not service them professionally, and damage Fiverr's reputation as well, if my suspicions prove to be right. What can I do next? In your experience, is Fiverr able to confirm of disprove my suspicions and take measures? Thanks for any advice. 😉
  16. I have the auto-reply on and, as far as I know: 1) it does not have any impact on your response rate, in my case it only serves to ask buyers to provide more information on their project; 2) It works only after the initial message from a buyer. They do not receive an auto-reply each time they send a message.
  17. Sounds a bit nightmarish but thank you for your inputs. As said, I customarily message my buyers after delivery and completion to encourage them sharing their views and questions and, considering that Fiverr solicits them via several emails, I would leave it at that. I am confident that I haven't done anything wrong, after all! If the system punishes me for other people's actions or lack of, well.... I can still move on with my life😉
  18. ...and I bet this has to happen in the order page chat before it's closed? Crazy! Now I understand when such a "negative impact" on communication comes from in one of my gigs. Unbelievable. 🤔
  19. A couple of my gigs often do not get a public score from buyers, as I believe that such gigs are readily available works that it's easier to purchase and deliver. They just buy them and forget about it, although I send at least one follow up message to make sure that they are okay with their purchase, and ask if they have any questions. In such case, what happens to the scoring of such gigs? Does anyone know? Thanks for your kind advice. 😉
  20. It makes sense, thank you - so you confirm that your scores on individual gigs include your custom orders?
  21. Hello - being that custom offers are a key portion of my work, I would need to understand how they are factored in the new rating system. Are they grouped and counted within the relevant gig score or not? Thanks for sharing your knowledge 😉
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