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Everything posted by dponzio

  1. I have the auto-reply on and, as far as I know: 1) it does not have any impact on your response rate, in my case it only serves to ask buyers to provide more information on their project; 2) It works only after the initial message from a buyer. They do not receive an auto-reply each time they send a message.
  2. Sounds a bit nightmarish but thank you for your inputs. As said, I customarily message my buyers after delivery and completion to encourage them sharing their views and questions and, considering that Fiverr solicits them via several emails, I would leave it at that. I am confident that I haven't done anything wrong, after all! If the system punishes me for other people's actions or lack of, well.... I can still move on with my life😉
  3. ...and I bet this has to happen in the order page chat before it's closed? Crazy! Now I understand when such a "negative impact" on communication comes from in one of my gigs. Unbelievable. 🤔
  4. A couple of my gigs often do not get a public score from buyers, as I believe that such gigs are readily available works that it's easier to purchase and deliver. They just buy them and forget about it, although I send at least one follow up message to make sure that they are okay with their purchase, and ask if they have any questions. In such case, what happens to the scoring of such gigs? Does anyone know? Thanks for your kind advice. 😉
  5. It makes sense, thank you - so you confirm that your scores on individual gigs include your custom orders?
  6. Hello - being that custom offers are a key portion of my work, I would need to understand how they are factored in the new rating system. Are they grouped and counted within the relevant gig score or not? Thanks for sharing your knowledge 😉
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