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Everything posted by greggidneyvo

  1. Does the monthly fee come out of your Fiverr account? I would hope I could make more than $40 a month to pay for this... as I haven't gotten much business in the last several months... maybe even a year. I think I'm decent at providing great service and a good product
  2. Never knew there was a thing... When I asked about it (when it first came out) I was told it was for buyers. It would be nice to get any help possible to gain more business
  3. Who is and when are they available? Who gets one?
  4. Thank you! I have been trying to get there with the voices I can perform. I was told Seller Plus was for buyers. How and why havent I been given an opportunity for a success manager? That would be wonderful... I think. I need the work, as I recently lost my day job
  5. Hey all... The new system says that they 'review' your account to determine if you are worthy to be a TRS... When and how long does it take for them to figure this all out?
  6. You've been around for 10 years... it has a greater impact on those that have not
  7. Absolutely not. By Fiverr adding the little phrase "Even if you have some unsatisfied customers, it will not significantly impact your ratings if most of your buyers are satisfied." tells me that Customer Support doesnt care about the sellers, and leaving them to 'deal with it'. There are vindictive and hateful clients out there, who, if they dont get what they want, they will cancel the order and leave a BAD review just out of spite... even it there was a 'misunderstanding' This is BAD all the way around.... Not having a sellers best interest in mind is why people are leaving the platform. Its sellers who are the ones creating the content for clients to pick through.
  8. I recently discovered there was the option for free Fiverr Select. The option came up on the app, but then it said, you cannot be a Select member if you have Fiverr Business. The only reason I set up Fiverr Business is because I was under the impression that it just made you look more professional. I had no clue it would eventually prevent me from getting Fiverr Select (the free invite). To be honest, Fiverr Business has actually done nothing to help me grow. I feel as though my business has come to a halt. I also would say that I have done relatively well, and would actually be an asset to anyone who became my coach. Is there any way to correct this...other than 'joining with a subscription'?
  9. Sent. This new layout is cumbersome, and forces you to look for things. They should at least allow the UI to offer the "Classic Look" like most platforms. There's alot to be said for 'muscle memory' and how it interferes with your workflow to minimize frustration
  10. Not a fan... have to look for everything now- Wish they would at least make it a choice...instead of forcing you to use it. I'd rather have the menus back on the left
  11. Please help. I'm looking for a way to put the tabs back where they were. It's very distracting to have to look for things now. Not a fan of the new look.... Please let the se4llers decide by offering a way to choose the new look, or the old look.
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