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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. Fiverr sent you here, I'm guessing? https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs
  2. Fiverr's ToS: "Proprietary Restrictions The Site, including its general layout, look and feel, design, information, content and other materials available thereon, is exclusively owned by Fiverr and protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. Fiverr®, Gig® and Gigs® are all registered trademarks owned exclusively by Fiverr."
  3. May I ask why you wish to know? My answer to this wouldn't help you, since my gigs are in completely unrelated categories.
  4. Have you read this yet? https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017584098-Subscriptions
  5. Short answer: It doesn't. Longer and more complex answer: There are hundreds of threads in Tips for Sellers with advice. There are tens of thousands of threads of sellers asking for help, in which other users might provide suggestions for improvement. READ. Read, learn, apply. Improving yourself can help you get Buyers.
  6. Clipart isn't illustration. Aside from that, your gigs are near duplicates of each other. Fiverr doesn't like duplicate gigs.
  7. Specifically: "Please respect our members privacy by not contacting them with offers, questions, suggestions or anything which is not directly related to their Gigs or orders." https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service
  8. Did a search, and there are some interesting reads in the results: https://community.fiverr.com/search/?q=Writer writing writers&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=22&updated_after=any&sortby=newest&search_and_or=or&search_in=titles
  9. Just adding this image here, because posting a link of this topic will create a thumbnail with the first image posted. That said, I look forward to reading through the pages linked, to see what's new.
  10. Incorrect. "A Gig’s first title generates its URL. Remember: This URL is unchangeable" Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011094958-SEO-tricks-for-gig-titles
  11. Welcome to the forums. Please note that Fiverr states: Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs It is therefore impractical to aim for "First Page". I would suggest starting here: https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-–-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  12. YouTube links are one of the few that Fiverr permits. Do you have more examples? A portfolio of other work?
  13. IF you go that route, test orders are generally a good idea. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/265273-finding-a-real-expert-among-new-sellers/
  14. I honestly don't know how to say this politely, so I'm going to go for honest and blunt: That is a bad pitch, and a poorly built gig. Please don't lie about your English ability in your Fiverr profile.
  15. Did you read the Terms of Service and Community Standards?
  16. I highly suggest you read the forum rules before you stumble into getting yourself banned. As for how you learn on a forum: read. Read a LOT.
  17. All three? That is rather odd, that they're displaying the same behavior. What kind of engineer are they? I would guess either mechanical or electrical, but maybe their specialty isn't right for what you need?
  18. I see and understand your point of view. But Fiverr has not provided any data on how often users use that filter option, nor how often it has lead to sales. Some Buyers, though, have chimed in on the topic of "what I look for in a Seller", and NONE have said that a Seller being online is a factor in the decision making process. (citation1, citation2, citation3) Years ago, they tried something called "Available Now" (which is where, I'd be willing to bet, the whole thing started). It had problems (citation4). It lasted less than a year. Yes, Buyers expect good communication. Fiverr also expects it of Sellers. (That's why Response Time and Response Rate exist, and why it's one of the three rating points that make up reviews.) Again, however, the ones who have 'urgent' problems frequently are problems. Paraphrased misquote: 'A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.' If you like helping people, if you want to, like to, and are good with dealing with people who are in a panic or who are under stress or pressure, then please, please consider looking into a career in the medical or emergency fields. Those occupations are always in demand and shorthanded due to the nature of the job.
  19. Exactly why faking being online is a bad idea. The problem with this is that people in a rush are usually the hardest to work with. No one likes when a 'Veruca Salt' says "I want it now". Meant to address this earlier. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/73962-impressions-arent-all-that-important-heres-why/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/74184-if-your-impressions-are-dropping-please-read-this-archived/ While impressions might signal how a gig is doing, it's very possible that staying online would actually skew results to falsely indicate a gig is doing better than it actually is. It's generally a bad idea to rely on skewed data.
  20. No, Fiverr does not take number of gigs into consideration. The 'multiple-gigs' advice only works if you have multiple skills to offer. It's called diversification. Like a pizza place also offering calzones and stromboli.
  21. Identity theft is the first thing that I thought of. It's probably against the terms of that other site, too.
  22. Have you read the Terms of Service, the Payment Policy, and the Community Standards to try to find what the ban might have been based on?
  23. Welcome to the forums. I would suggest starting here: https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-–-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  24. At this point my best guess is a poor private review.
  25. How Fiverr defines 'impression' would be useful to include in this topic. (That 'reasonable post' was AI generated.) So: "Impressions: These are the number of times your Gig appeared in Fiverr's thumbnails (i.e., on the homepage, category/subcategory page, search, and user page)." Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-Statistics
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