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Posts posted by maitasun

  1. 12 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    That's what I've noticed, too. And yet, it's the only review, and the OP states that it's the first order they got here...

    Especially an order/review coming from a "buyer" who passed away on March 30, 2019...

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  2. 51 minutes ago, raff_cv said:

    I established my presence on Fiverr by creating an account, and to my surprise, within a mere 7 days, I started receiving orders, and my account soared to a commendable ranking position. I diligently completed the projects assigned to me, ensuring top-notch quality and timely delivery, which garnered me a series of glowing 5-star ratings from satisfied clients.

    You only have 1 review.


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  3. 2 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

    I had similar queries about gig creation/categories when I started SP in 2021 but then I realised that a SM can't really hand out specific-advice to us, which would give us a lot of unfair-competitive advantage over those sellers who aren't part of the program. It would make the marketplace uneven too.

    Well, this is already an advantage over those who aren't part of the program. 👇 Just saying... 😉

    2 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

    Since then I keep my conversations issue-based in nature (usually its related to support tickets) or broad strategic guidance. And of course, RTO is the biggest plus point.


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  4. 27 minutes ago, tanveeraslam742 said:

    I have 60 reviews on my fiverr account and overall rating is 4.7 stars. 50 reviews are 5 star, 7 are 4 star, 1 is 2 star and 2 are 1 star. Now how many 5 stars do I need to reach 4.8 rating? 

    15 (4.76).

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  5. 5 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    You said you could demonstrate it, so if you showed proof that in some system what you said could be the case and it was accurate proof then it should be believable.

    Maybe there could be some universe where 8 of something in one could be equal to 4 of something in another.

    For the Pi thing, if you had some number system (not the standard ones) that started at 0 and counted up in half Pis it could be that Pi could equal 2 in that system.

    So yes you could in theory create some number system in a programming language that counted in half Pis (eg. if it made things easier, like using degrees or radians in them might make some thing easier).


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  6. 5 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    If you demonstrate it then I'll decide.  Maybe it depends on the number system you're using. 🙂

    This is the greatest nonsense I've read. And, no. In any of the 4 number systems (decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal) you'll get that pi equals 2 or that 2 equals 1. NEVER! You can only get there by mathematical errors, or creating your own mathematics—I would love to see how far you get with the latter. 🤦‍♀️

    15 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    People say pi=3.142 but that's also incorrect. It's just an approximation.

    Yes, it's an approximation used depending on the accuracy of the result you want to achieve. So what? It has nothing to do with saying pi equals 2 and expecting that result to be correct.

    @uk1000, for God's sake, please stop justifying the AI nonsense.

    • Like 8
  7. 1 hour ago, uk1000 said:
    2 hours ago, newsmike said:

    "Most cases"

    This is what perplexity.ai says about the other cases:



    • In modular arithmetic, where numbers "wrap around" after reaching a certain value, 2+2 can equal 0 or 1 depending on the modulus. For example, in modulo 3 arithmetic, 2+2=1 since 4 divided by 3 leaves a remainder of 1. 
    • In certain number systems or algebraic structures, such as finite groups, the standard rules of addition may not apply. In a group with only three elements (0, 1, 2) where addition is defined as adding the numbers and taking the remainder when divided by 3, 2+2=1
    • In physics, when dealing with certain physical quantities, the standard rules of addition may not apply. For example, when adding temperatures measured in degrees Celsius, 20°C + 20°C does not equal 40°C, as temperature is not a quantity that follows the standard rules of addition.
    • In computer science, when dealing with binary numbers represented with a fixed number of bits, arithmetic operations can "wrap around" and produce results that differ from standard integer arithmetic. For example [example seemed wrong]


    The youtube vid referenced by the perplexity.ai link:


    Yeah... And I can demonstrate that pi (π) equals 2, or that 8 equals 4, which in turn makes 4 equal 0 and 2 equal 1. 🙄🤦‍♀️

    Does that make the value correct? 🤨

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  8. 3 hours ago, farhanamila said:

    Again it's not possible to provide cheap service for experienced and skilled sellers if they want to keep the quality of the service. Only novice and immature sellers can do this.

    Don't forget cheaters and scammers. And those are rife on Fiverr...

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  9. 31 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    What if after 3 days, pressing the revisions button simply started a chat? This way there could be a discussion about what was needed and whether it was included in the gig, or would be an extra charge? Let seller send offer to start process if needed. No automatic reopening of the order?

    The problem is not after 3 days because the order will be already closed. The issue is before the 3-day period expires, especially when requesting this kind of 'revision' at the last minute, making the order to be marked as late by the system. Fiverr is saying revisions now count against us, so it's not fun to have this type of requests just before the order completes and then see our very smart AI deciding our buyers aren't satisfied enough...

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  10. To be honest, there should be some kind of block on the revision button. Too many buyers press that button just to ask questions instead of using the order chat, and to make things even worse, they wait until the last minute before the 3-day completion period expires...

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  11. 41 minutes ago, cucinavivace said:

    I think they're intentionally trying to get rid of some dead weight. There are over a million of us and over 4M buyers. We have seen for a long time it's a strain on CS. And frankly, if people doing 100 gigs a month perfectly can absorb the business of the folks doing two or three gigs a month, why not? (from their perspective) The buyers get their service, Fiverr still gets their commission, and they have less to deal with.

    I suppose this explains why cheaters and scammers with hundreds and thousands of reviews keep showing as level 2 sellers and popping up in search results.

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