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Posts posted by bizconsult7248

  1. On 2/1/2024 at 10:03 PM, Kesha said:


    Hi! Receiving a 5 star rating is still possible with the new system. If your buyer provides all exceptional ratings, your order will be considered a 5.0 review. 

    To receive the Seller Plus Member tag you must be part of the Seller Plus program. 

    Finally, we recently increased the post limit to 10 a day. Are you still experiencing the 5 posts limit? 

    Please, I don't understand what you meant by "post limit" in your comment. Can someone help me out with the explanation. Thanks

    • Like 13
  2. On 12/18/2023 at 1:05 PM, oymusafir said:

    🤭 I remember my first forum post—it was about my profile not showing up in searches around October 5th. The first person to reply was @filipdevaere. He's a really good person, always trying to help with everything. Around October 14th, my profile started becoming visible in searches, and I can't believe that in such a short time, I've already completed over 50 reviews and have received over 63 orders, reaching seller level one. 👍 This site is truly fascinating if you have talent!



    Congratulations 🎉 on this great milestone

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  3. 9 hours ago, leannelrivers said:

    I feel the same. I've allowed the ratings, evaluations and hits to visibility for not being perfect to rock my boat far too many times. And now the goalposts are moving again. I'm not cutting my prices again; I know I'm value for money whether buyers agree or not. I spend a bit of money promoting my gigs, but I see that as a legitimate part of being a business. But I'm done with paying for Seller Plus and attempting to micromanage everything, including trying to figure out if a buyer is likely to leave a bad review. No thanks. If Fiverr is one's sole source of income, then the ratings, evaluations and visibility in searches become incredibly stressful. I didn't choose to be a freelancer because I wanted to be constantly stressed about algorithms and approval ratings. 

    Bitter truth but one must spill it out. I agree with you  

    • Like 15
  4. On 1/30/2024 at 5:29 PM, Kesha said:


    I'm happy to hear of your excitement! These new changes are designed to help you as a seller continue to grow and find success on the platform and we're looking forward to your future success.

    I'm glad to hear about this update but patiently waiting for the features to roll out.

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  5. Also, I would advise that the method that gave you the first order through social media should be revisited. This might be improved upon to bring more orders.

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  6. On 1/25/2024 at 5:32 PM, emmaki said:

    Oh, with AI these days anyone can be value for money without actually having skills. Or having skills, but no ability to speak the language. Fiverr doesn't care, since it's handing out ChatGPT message templates with abandon these days while simultaneously having an appallingly anti-consumer generative AI policy. 

    Just so long as the buyer doesn't ask, it's alllll gravy. And so long as the buyer isn't too careful with their money, which was, incidentally, one of the reasons Fiverr started as Fiverr (fewer will bother to refund for $5, basically - it's all in those interviews I mentioned yesterday!) and they get something roughly near what they want, all is good.

    It's odd that people who have worked on a platform for years and have proven their worth and value are ranked on the same systems as sellers who operate like that, really. And further odd that the new level/reviews system probably isn't going to do anything to address that, but I am prepared to be stunned into silence whatever happens 🙂

    But I think today is more about celebratory rats and sad kittens, don't you? 

    I agree with you

    • Like 12
  7. Some people are just giving unrealistic advice. Does just sharing gigs links on social media brings in order. 

    I believe, it start from creating a personal brand first on this social media platforms. Let people see you as an expert in your field then they begins to have interest in what you do, follow you on your contents.

    It is when people trust you enough and your contents are perceived as helpful they will try to come to your inbox for further discussion and not just this advice of posting gig links on social media platforms without foundation.

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  8. 17 hours ago, anniejenkinson said:

    I find it is a peculiar question. The question itself needs to be clearer!

    I find 1, 2 and Top-Rated not 'imprecise!'

    However, I am unsure what clients understand by TRS versus Pro.

    I agree with you because this is one of the most confusing part TRS vs Pro sound conflicting 

    • Like 2
  9. On 1/2/2024 at 8:27 PM, tech_savvy_guyy said:

    I always thought the Fiverr seller levels are a great way of showing off how far one has come in their freelancing journey on this platform.

    However, recently when I told my friend who never heard of Fiverr before, that I was a Level 1 seller, he thought that I had just started out and that this is first level, and everyone is level 1 at the beginning. Maybe renaming the seller levels to something clearer can help solve this?

    Okay, I understand it from this point of view. 

    • Like 2
  10. I think what @Keshamet by social media promotion should be paid social media marketing but with the normal way of posting gig links on these platforms are most times ignored. 

    But, what I have seen worked for others, is by creating engaging contents in your field and people knowing you as someone with certain knowledge in your area of expertise, they follow you up, to consume more of your contents thereby being interested in what you do. This brings about some amount of patronage. 

    The bottom line is that, you must start creating insightful contents that you can attach your gigs link to.

    @melanielm and @imagination7413 have said it all. 

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  11. Hello,

    I was selling on Fiverr before with consistency and my account was receiving gigs from buyers. But fast forward the lane, my offline job took my time more because of promotion and I barely have time to operate my account. 

    Now, am back fulltime to build all my businesses together and am seeking ways to revive my gigs to start getting attention and orders again.

    Please everyone, I need help with this.

    Thanks in advance.

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